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Commandos 1 Behind Enemy LinesA genuinely original game of tactics, planning, and precision The premise of Commandos is a model for the game itself: Just as the heroes of this game prevail in dangerous military operations through unorthodox yet undeniably effective means, so too is Commandos a successful real-time strategy game because of its refusal to adhere to the genre’s conventions. Pyro Studios has produced a genuinely original game of tactics, planning, and precision, one with impressive visuals and slick production values and one that will surely please fans of strategic combat, puzzle-solving, and World War II-era warfare alike.
Your six Commandos are all unique in appearance and attitude. They move smoothly whether they’re walking, crawling, running, or plying any of their deadly skills, and you can learn all about them through a fast and friendly in-game tutorial that focuses on each of their individual skills. They’re a charismatic bunch and will quickly grow on you, although their German enemies look rather boring by comparison. There isn’t much music to speak of in Commandos, and the sound, though authentic, is sparse. And though the commandos sound great and become immediately distinguishable through their speech, they have disappointingly few speaking lines. The Germans don’t have a lot to say either.
An unobtrusive and clever interface borders the screen, showing the various tools in the selected commando’s knapsack, any of which can be selected with the click of a mouse. However, this interface is mostly for show; it’s quicker just to hit the appropriate keyboard hotkey to select your green beret’s combat knife for example – and in Commandos, every moment counts. Moving your men is as simple as clicking the desired destination or double-clicking to make the commando run. You need to micromanage everybody, and no one will move an inch without your express orders. This isn’t a problem; just keep your idle men hidden at all times and you’ll be OK.
Commandos contains a single linear campaign composed of 20 big missions. The linearity isn’t problematic; while there exists a best way to win each scenario, you always get plenty of room to be especially creative or just a little reckless. And because they’re well designed and open-ended, you’ll want to play most of them more than once. Any of these missions can be attempted cooperatively with up to five other players, each responsible for at least a single troop. However, the true pleasure in this game is coordinating the entire squad single-handedly, anticipating how a situation will transpire and watching it go according to plan or successfully improvising when things don’t go your way. And what a pleasure – after you navigate your team through or past some 50-odd nonchalant German guards, destroy a vital enemy installation, and hijack a means of escape, you may well find Commandos sneaking its way to the top of your list.

Our hero continues to take on the Axis powers in this action-packed sequel to the first Commando game, with more missions, more enemies and bigger artillery. Fresh from the Battle of Britain, Commando heads to the battles of Asia to fight through Thailand and China. Unlock an expansive set of weapons and arm Commando with up to 6 at once. Bionic Commando Game Free Download PC Game highly compressed setup in the single direct link for Windows. It is an impressive Action, Adventure, Shooter video game.Bionic Commando Game - PC Download - Full Version Game.Apunkagames - Fullypcgames - Oceanofgames. Commandos 4 Game is available for download in full version. Commandos 4 is free PC game which can also be played on PlayStation and Xbox. Download Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Free Full Version Game. Commandos Behind Enemy Lines is a single player real-time tactics computer game developed by Spanish company Pyro Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, a game based on the exploits of commandos during World War II, is an excellent if sometimes frustrating game. It draws quite a bit from role-playing games with its character interaction, enabling individual control of a party with a vast set of skills. Commandos 1 Behind The Enemy Lines Highly Compressed Free Download PC Game Full Version Game Cover Game Info Gameplay Game Trailer Screenshot System Requirement.
System= Pentium II CPU 233 MHz
RAM= 64 MB
Size= 56 MB
Video Memory= 16 MB
OS= Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP, Vista , 7 and Windows 8
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