Advantage Database Server License

Question & Answer

  1. Sap Advantage Database Server License
  2. Advantage Database Server 11
  3. Advantage Database Server Error 6420
  4. Advantage Database Server Download
  5. Advantage Database Server License


Each DB2 database product has its own license key. If you purchased a DB2 V10.5, V10.1, V9.8, V9.7, V9.5, V9.1 product then you can obtain license key from Passport Advantage. Follow the steps to download your license.

Popular free Alternatives to Sybase Advantage Database Server for Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD, Web and more. Explore 18 apps like Sybase Advantage Database Server, all suggested and ranked by the AlternativeTo user community. Oct 03, 2008  Upgrading and Expanding Advantage Database Server. There is a utility called AdsStamp in the server directory which allows for upgrading, changing the language setting or updating the license information. Clicking the License button will bring up the License Information screen with your current license information. Extend your existing applications with SAP Advantage Database Server, a full-featured, easily embedded, relational database management system. Use multiple platforms and development languages,SQL or ISAM data access with native drivers – and manage your database from any location, on any device, even while it’s in use.


Starting with DB2 Version 9.1, the license file for DB2 products is shipped separately in a file called the Activation key. This is done for convenience so that downloading the license file takes less time due to its small size.


Here is an example of how to obtain the activation key for your DB2 product. The Activation key part numbers for DB2 products are located in the following technotes:
DB2 11.1 - Activation part numbers
DB2 10.5 - Activation part numbers
DB2 10.1 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.8 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.7 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.5 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.1 - Activation part numbers
These instructions also apply for downloading any DB2 product from Passport Advantage. Refer to the following technotes for identifying any DB2 product part number by version:
IBM DB2 Version 11.1 for Linux, Unix, and Windows
IBM DB2 Version 10.5 for Linux, Unix, and Windows
IBM DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, Unix, and Windows
IBM DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, Unix, and Windows
Contact the Passport Advantage e-Customer Care team for assistance if you encounter problems.
STEP #1:
a. Start by viewing the IBM Passport Advantage Online customer sign-in page.
b. Click the 'Customer Sign In' button
STEP #2:
Type in your IBM ID and password for your Passport Advantage account.
STEP #3:
Select the “Software download & media access” link.
STEP #4:
Select the 'I Agree' radio button.
Click the Continue button.
STEP #5:
Choose the download finder option.
STEP #6:
Click “Find by description or part number”.
STEP #7:
a. Select the 'Part Number' radio button.
b. Enter the part number. (CIPG5ML is only an example).
c. Click the “Continue” button.
d. Verify package name and click the “Download' button to begin the download.
e. Select your preferred download method and agree to the terms and conditions.
Note: If the Download Director fails due to browser security settings, the HTTP method is recommended as a work-around.
STEP #8:
The download is complete when progress bar shows 100%.
Close the download director window.
Next Steps:
  1. Extract the license file.
    The license key is found in the /db2/license directory of the downloaded Activation file.
  2. Apply the license to your product.
    Applying a license key is also referred to as registering the license key or adding a license. Refer to the Registering a DB2 database product or feature license key using the db2licm command reference page in the information center for details.

Internal Use Only

This is an example of how to obtain the activation key for your DB2 product. The Activation key part numbers for DB2 products are located in the following technotes:
DB2 10.1 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.8 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.7 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.5 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.1 - Activation part numbers
Contact the Passport Advantage e-Customer Care team for assistance if you encounter problems.
Read the How to purchase your license technote if you need to purchase a DB2 license.
STEP #1:
a. Start by viewing the IBM Passport Advantage Online customer sign in page:
b. Click the 'Customer Sign In' button
STEP #2:
Type in your IBM ID and password for your Passport Advantage account.
Select the “Software download & media access” link.
Click the 'I Agree' button.
Choose the download finder.
Click “Find by description or part number”
a. Select the 'Part Number' radio button.
b. Enter the part number.
Note: CZ18UML is only an example.
Look up the part number for your DB2 product:
DB2 10.1 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.8 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.7 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.5 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.1 - Activation part numbers
c. Select “Continue”
a. Select the check box next to the Activation key.
b. Select the “I agree” radio button.
c. Click the “Download now” button to begin the download.
a. Verify the target directory.
b. Click the 'OK' button.

Sap Advantage Database Server License

STEP #10
The download has completed.
Click the Red X to close the download director window.

August 27, 2012
STORING PREVIOUS VERSION Wildgame innovations flex time player.

This is an example of how to obtain the activation key for DB2 9.7 Enterprise Server Edition CPU option which has a part number of CZ18UML. The Activation key part numbers for other DB2 products are located in the following technotes:
This is an example of how to obtain the activation key for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) 9.1 which has a part number of C92AXML. The Activation key part numbers for other DB2 Version 9 products are located here:
DB2 9.7 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.5 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.1 - Activation part numbers
DB2 Connect Personal Edition v9.1 -- Activation part numbers
If you encounter any problem in using Passport Advantage,
please contact the Passport Advantage e-Customer Care team for assistance.
If you need to purchase a license, please read; How to purchase your license.
STEP #1:
Start by signing into your Passport Advantage account.
Click “Customer Sign in”
STEP #2:
Type in your IBM ID and password for your Passport Advantage account.
Select one of the links to get to “Software download & media access”
Note that both links go to the same page as seen in the next step.
Click the 'I Agree' button.
Choose the download finder.
Click “Find by description or part number”
a. Select the 'Part Number' radio button.
b. Enter the part number. This example used the part number for DB2 ESE.
Part numbers for other DB2 products may be located here:
DB2 9.7 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.5 - Activation part numbers
DB2 9.1 - Activation part numbers
DB2 Connect Personal Edition v9.1 -- Activation part numbers
c. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and choose ‘YES’ for previous versions.
Advantage database server 13This must be done because only the newest versions are listed by default.
In this case, 9.7 is the latest and since we want 9.1 we must choose ‘YES’ for previous versions.
d. Select “Continue”
Note that this screen has been shortened.
You will have to scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the “Previous versions” option to view the previous versions for DB2 V9.1 eAssemblys to be displayed. Please wait while the screen loads and proceed to Step #9.
Expand the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition V9.1 CPU Option eAssembly by clicking on the ‘+’ sign.
STEP #10
a. Select the check box next to the CPU Option Activation key.
b. Select the “I agree” radio button to accept the choice.
c. Click the “Download now” button to begin the download.

Advantage Database Server 11

STEP #11

Advantage Database Server Error 6420

Note: Once the file is done downloading, you can use it from the file location specified.
The license is in the /db2/license directory of the .zip file.

Related URL

Advantage Database Server Download

[{'Product':{'code':'SSEPGG','label':'DB2 for Linux- UNIX and Windows'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU001','label':'Analytics Private Cloud'},'Component':'Install/Migrate/Upgrade - Licensing','Platform':[{'code':'PF002','label':'AIX'},{'code':'PF010','label':'HP-UX'},{'code':'PF016','label':'Linux'},{'code':'PF027','label':'Solaris'},{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'9.8;9.7;9.5;9.1;10.1;10.5;11.1','Edition':'},{'Product':{'code':'SSEPDU','label':'DB2 Connect'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU001','label':'Analytics Private Cloud'},'Component':null,'Platform':[{'code':'PF002','label':'AIX'},{'code':'PF010','label':'HP-UX'},{'code':'PF016','label':'Linux'},{'code':'PF027','label':'Solaris'},{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'9.7;9.5;9.1;10.1','Edition':'}]

Document Information

Advantage Database Server License

Modified date:
15 July 2019