Winfax Pro Windows 7

Stockingtease, The Hunsyellow Pages, Kmart, Msn, Microsoft, Noaa, Diet, Realtor,,, Hot,, Pof, Kelly Jeep, Pichuntercom, Gander. Bigasoft WMV Converter for Mac. Bigasoft WMV Converter for Mac can easily and fast convert any popular videos including AVI, MP4, MOV, FLV, and MPEG, HD video TS, MTS, and MKV to WMV, HD WMV either for playback on Windows Media Player or on Microsoft Xbox 360, Zune and other portable players compatible with WMV.

(Redirected from Alphabetical list of filename extensions (A–E))

This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains standard extensions associated with computer files.


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
AADA source code fileADA source code
A##ALZip Compressed Files' piecesALZip
A11Graphics AIIM image file
A2WWorld file for Alice programming language, version 2Alice 2
A3PProject file for Alice programming language, version 3Alice 3
A80Assembler language source for 80808080
AA, AB, ..Split parts of a single whole filesplit (Unix)
AACAdvanced Audio Coding, a standardized, lossy compression and encoding scheme for digital audio
AAFAutoPatcher file
AAFAdvanced Authoring Format, an advanced media wrapper file for professional applications
AASAnimation Play ScriptAAPlay
ABAndroid adb Backupadb
ABCAlembic - 3D geometry / modelsMany Computer Graphics tools, see Alembic (Computer Graphics) for a list.
ABCDocumentABC FlowCharter 1.0
ABCMusic in ABC formatMainly Video Games
ABPDataABComp compressed
ABPAVS Barcode ProfileAVS Barcode Source
ABFAdobe Binary Screen FontAdobe Systems Software
ABKAutomatic backup fileCorelDRAW
ABMImage PALS album file
ABMAlbum file (various programs)
ABRAdobe Brush file for PhotoShopPhotoShop
ABSAbstracts (info file)
ABSData fileAbscissa
ACProject backupAudit Command Language (ACL)
ACAProjectProject Manager Workbench
ACCProgram (DR-DOS - ViewMax)GEM / resident
ACCDADataMicrosoft Access Database Wizard (Open XML)
ACCDBDataMicrosoft Access Database (Open XML)
ACCDEDataMicrosoft Access Database Wizard (Open XML)
ACCDTDataMicrosoft Access Database Template (Open XML)
ACCDUDataMicrosoft Access Database Wizard (Open XML)
ACCFTMicrosoft Access Data Type Template[1]Microsoft Access
ACDClayered graphics fileACDSee
ACFAdobe Custom Filter for PhotoShopPhotoShop
ACLProjectAudit Command Language (ACL)
ACLAutoCorrect ListMicrosoft Office
ACMAudio Compression Module add-onWin
ACMBGraphics file
ACOAdobe Color PaletteAdobe
ACTACTOR source code fileACTOR
ACTAnimations Works Actor (Graphics cell)Animation Works
ACTFoxDoc Action DiagramsFoxPro
ADAfterDark screensaver moduleAfterDark
AD2ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice fileZFAX
AD3ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice fileZFAX
ADAAda source code file
ADBAda Package Body
ADCBitmap graphics (16 colors)Scanstudio
ADDOS/2 adapter device driver
ADEFLegato Application build tools mkapp and mksys
ADFAmiga Disk FileunADF, UAE, WinUAE etc..
ADGDataADG 3D Scene
ADIGraphics fileAutoCAD
ADIDatabase Index FileAdvantage Database Server
ADICHTLabChart data acquisition fileADInstruments
ADLMCA adapter description libraryQEMM
ADLADONIS Definition Language file for exporting models and model groupsADONIS
ADMAfter Dark support fileAfterDark
ADMADEM file formatADEM
ADIDatabase Memo FileAdvantage Database Server
ADNAdd-inLotus 1-2-3
ADRAfter Dark support fileAfterDark
ADSAda Package Specification
ADSONAdsonica sound and image fileAdsonica
ADTWoW geographical map location fileBlizzard Entertainment games (various)
ADTDatafile for cardfile applicationHP NewWave
ADTAbrechnungsdatentransfer, an xDT applicationHealthcare providers in Germany
ADIDatabase TableAdvantage Database Server
ADVGUS device
ADXDocumentArchetype Designer
ADZAmiga Disk Zipped (See Amiga Disk File)GZip
AEPAfter Effects Project FileAdobe After Effects
AESFile encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)AES Crypt (Windows, Mac, Linux, Java) and Crypt4All (Android)
AF2FlowchartABC FlowCharter 2.0
AF3FlowchartABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFITruevision bitmap graphics
AFLFont file (for Always)Lotus 1-2-3
AFMDatafile for cardfile applicationHP NewWave
AFMType 1 font metric ASCII data for font installerATM - many
AFPShape paletteABC FlowCharter
AFTTemplateABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFWWorkplaceABC FlowCharter 3.0
AGRArcView ASCII grid
AHKAutoHotkey script fileAutoHotkey
AIAdobe Illustrator ArtworkAdobe Illustrator
AIFCAudio Interchange File Format with Compression
AIFFAudio Interchange File FormatConvert (c) Villena
AiMAsm Text Mode Image FileThe Ultimate Draw
AINJob scheduleAutoIntern
AIOAPL programming language file transfer format file
AIRAdobe AIR installation packageThe Adobe AIR runtime environment
AISArray of Intensity Samples graphics fileXerox
AIXDatafile for cardfile applicationHP NewWave
AKM'Akai Multitimbral' sample information fileAkai S5000 and S6000 hardware samplers (MS-DOS-based) and compatible software samplers
AKP'Akai Program' sample information fileAkai S5000 and S6000 hardware samplers (MS-DOS-based) and compatible software samplers
ALCMolecular coordinatesAlchemy, RasMol
ALGER Mapper AlgorithmERViewer
ALEAvid Log Exchange (used in film & video editing)Avid
ALLArts & Letters symbol and font filesArts & Letters
ALLFilelist w/ all filesFRQView
ALLFormat file for working pagesAlways
ALLGeneral printer informationWordPerfect for Win
ALOAlmanac support file
ALTMenu fileWordPerfect Library
ALZAlZip Compressed Files
AMDMaxum chromatograph offline databaseSiemens Maxum Chromatograph
AMFMusic (Advanced Module Format)DMP
AMFAdditive Manufacturing File FormatComputer Aided Design Software
AMGSystem image fileACTOR
AMLAutomationMLAutomationML Group
AMLXCompressed and packed AutomationML fileAutomationML Group
AMPLAMPL source code fileAMPL
AMRAudio format for mobile phones (Nokia, SonyEricsson)
AMSAdobe Monitor Setup calibration filePhotoShop
AMSMusic format
ANIAnimation cursors for WinWin95 - WinNT
ANMAnimationDeluxe Paint Animator
ANIMTrainz Animation specification file, for example a steam locomotive's connecting rod movements, or water movement on a river or lake motion. (Obsolescent)Trainz/Auran JET files
ANNAnnotations of old Windows Help fileWindows 3.0 - XP
AnnMulti volume ARJ archiveARJ
ANSANSI character graphics (animation) fileANSView
ANSASCII text ANSI character setNewWave Write
AOLAmerica On-line for Windows DLLWin
AOSAdd-On SoftwareNokia 9000
APDatafileDatalex EntryPoint 90
APCPrinter driverLotus 1-2-3
APDPrinter driverLotus 1-2-3
APEMonkey's Audio (Lossless)audio media players
APFPrinter driverLotus 1-2-3
APIAdobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShopPhotoShop
APIPassed parameter file1st Reader
APIPrinter driverLotus 1-2-3
APKAndroid ApplicationAndroid
APLAPL work space format file
APLSupport module used by Manugraphics APL products
APLEV-Dos Application File
APLACDSee pluginACDSee
APMAuthorware MacintoshAuthorware
APPAdd-in application fileSymphony
APPApplication object filedBASE Application Generator
APPApplication and Application BundleMac OS X
APPExecutable workflow / macro fileAutomator
APPExecutable application fileDR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari
APPGenerated applicationFoxPro
APPLICATIONClickOnce Application Deployment ManifestMicrosoft Windows
APREmployee performance reviewEmployee Appraiser
APWAuthorware WindowsAuthorware
APXAppexpert database fileBorland C++ 4.5
AQFAnalyzer Queries and FiltersActix
ARArgon - for 3D ModelingAshlar-Vellum
ARCNintendo proprietary archive formatVarious Nintendo games
ARDMapHolux - Alan
ARFAutomatic Response File
ARFFWeka data fileWeka
ARHArchivers definitions fileDN
ARKARC archiveCP/M port of ARC file archiver
ARKManaging your Money Archive File
ARRArrangementAtari Cubase
ARTGerber artworkCadence Allegro
ARTFirst Publisher, Designworks, Greenstreet Draw graphic fileAll GST/Greenstreet Draw products
ARTGraphics (scrapbook)Art Import
ARTGraphics format (Another Ray Tracer)PFS:1st publisher - Art Import
ARTXfile formatArtisteer
ARTXfile formatbelightsoft Text Art
ASAdaptive Script FileAdaptive Framework
ASCASCII text file
ASCTransport armor filePGP
ASDAutosave fileMicrosoft Word
ASDScreen driverLotus 1-2-3
ASDSpectral Data SetASD Inc. RS3 spectral acquisition program
ASEVelvet Studio SampleAWAVE
ASEASCII Scene Export3D Studio
ASFDatafile (APL Shared File)STATGRAPHICS (APL*Plus/PC)
ASFScreen fontLotus 1-2-3
ASFAdvanced Streaming Format (Compressed Windows audio/video)Microsoft Corporation
ASKSYSGEN answer fileRT-11
ASHAssembly language header fileTASM 3.0
ASIASIC language sourceASIC
ASIAssembler include fileTurbo C - Borland C++
ASMAssembler language sourceTASM, MASM, NASM, Yasm, FASM
ASMXASP.NET Web ServiceMicrosoft Corporation
ASOAssembler object (object-oriented) fileTurbo Assembler
ASPASPECT source code fileProcomm Plus
ASPAssociation of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice
ASPActive Server Pages of Microsoft.NetMicrosoft Corporation
ASPXActiveX Server Pages of Microsoft.NetMicrosoft Corporation
ASSAmalgam Scene SpecificationHalo 2 Map Editor
ASSAdvanced SubStation Alpha (Subtitles)
ASTAdobe Color Separation table for PhotoShopPhotoShop
ASTNintendo proprietary music streaming formatVarious Nintendo games
ASVAutosave FileMATLAB
ASWAuthorware StarAuthorware
ASXAdvanced Stream Redirector file, redirects to an ASF file (see ASF)Microsoft Corporation
AT2Auto templateAldus Persuasion 2.0
AT3Atrac 3 Sound/music fileAll Sony devices and programs with the Atrac 3+ specification
ATMAdobe Type Manager data/info
ATMLAwhcp HTML file
ATNAdobe Photoshop actionAdobe Photoshop
ATTFAramOS TypeAtor Text FileAramOS TypeAtor 1.0 (Development State)
ATYProduced when an association type is exported by 3D Topicscape3D Topicscape
AUSun/NeXT/DEC Audio fileAWAVE, GoldWave
AUSound (audio) fileSun Microsystems - Convert (c) Villena
AUDAudio fileAudioRack
AUPAudacity project fileAudacity
AUSKedit AutoSave fileKedit
AUXAuxiliary dictionaryChiWriter
AUXAuxiliary referencesTeX/LaTeX
AUZAbleton Live FileAuthorization File for Ableton Live
AVBAntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases
AVIAudio Video Interleaved animation fileVideo for Windows
AVRAudio Visual ResearchAWAVE
AVSAudio Video SoftwareAVS Video Editor (video editing software)
AVTAVATAR-coding filesA3E
AWText fileHP AdvanceWrite
AWProprietry Nintendo wave formatVarious home console Nintendo games
AWAAnimations Works Accelerated MovieAnimation Works
AWDMicrosoft Fax At Work DocumentMicrosoft Fax At Work
AWKAWK script/programawk, GNU Awk, mawk, nawk, MKS AWK, Awka (compiler)
AWMAnimations Works Movie (as .AVI)Animation Works
AxDirectshow filter file format
AXFARM Executable Image generated by the ARM tools
AXF'lightweight geodatabase' [1]ESRI ArcPad
AXMAxmedis objectAxmedis Tools
AZDAmazon Software DownloadAmazon Software Download
AZWDRM enabled eBookAll models of Amazon Kindle
AZW1DRM enabled eBook with embedded fontsAll models Amazon Kindle
AZW2Program fileAll models of Amazon Kindle excluding Kindle 1
AZZData fileAZZ Cardfile
ATSOFTSEncrypted File[2]


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
B1Archive file formatB1 Free Archiver
B&WBlack and white graphics fileatari - mac
B&WMono binary screen image1st Reader
BGrand Theft Auto saved gameAny of the 3D Grand Theft Auto games in either III or IV era.
B_WBlack and white graphics fileAtari - mac
B1NBoth mono and color binary screen image1st Reader
B30Printer font (JLaser - Cordata)Corel Ventura Publisher
B3DBlitz3D filesBlitz3D
B8Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane twoPicLab
BABinary ArchiveScifer Archiver and Compression [External Header Mode]
BADBad fileOracle Corporation - many
BADAnimation fileNovalogic
BADFile which covers bad blocks on disk volume (not to be moved)RT-11
BAKBackup file
BALMusic scoreBallade
BALANCEBalance accounting sheet fileBalance
BAPBlaze Audio Wave Information FileBlazeAudio MadCap Software
BARHorizontal bar menu object filedBASE Application Generator
BARBroker Archive. Compressed file containing number of other files for deployment.[3]IBM WebSphere Message Broker
BASBASIC language sourceQuickBASIC - GW-BASIC - FreeBASIC
BATBatch fileMS-DOS, RT-11
BBDatabase backupPapyrus Design Group
BBLBibliographic reference fileTeX/BibTeX
BBMBrushDeluxe Paint
BBQBitBeamer Transfer Queue fileBitBeamer
BBSBulletin Board System announce or text info file
BBSHudson-style messagebaseFTN software
BC!Unfinished downloadUnfinished BitComet download (a BitTorrent client)
BCDBoot Configuration DataWindows Vista and later, Registry Editor
BCFCard dataBingo Card Creator
BCHBatch process object filedBASE Application Generator
BCHDatafileDatalex EntryPoint 90
BCOOutline font descriptionBitstream Inc.
BCPBorland C++ makefile
BCTBackup dictionaryClarion
BCWEnvironment settingsBorland C++ 4.5
BDBBookends databaseBookends
BDEFBuilder DefinitionWebsphere Portlet Factory
BDFAdobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution FormatAdobe Software
BDFBinary update fileBUPDATE.EXE (c) TNT Techn.
BDFBitmap Distribution Format font fileX11
BDICGoogle Chrome DictionaryGoogle Chrome
BDMVBlu-ray Video Data Content fileMedia players / software that supports Blu-ray structure
BDRBorderMicrosoft Publisher
BDTBehandlungsdatentransfer, an xDT applicationHealthcare providers in Germany
BEAMExecutablebytecode file in fat binary formatBEAM (Erlang virtual machine)[4]
BEFBleck Encrypted File
BEMBIM Cost estimating fileBIMestiMate
BEZOutline font descriptionBitstream
BFBrainfuck sourcefile
BF2Bradford 2 font
BFCBriefcase Win95Win95
BFMFont metricsunix/Frame
BFSBinary File Storage
BGABitmap graphics
BGIBorland Graphics Interface device driverTurbo C - Turbo Pascal
BHBlackholedata compression format
BIBASIC include fileVisual Basic - FreeBASIC
BIBBibliography (ASCII)
BIBDatabase - not compatible with TeX formatPapyrus
BIBLiterature databaseTeX/BibTeX
BIFBinary Image Format b&w graphics fileImage Capture board
BIKBink Video file (RAD Video)
BIMBuilding Information ModelingArchiCAD / Autodesk Revit
BINBinary file, usually zero-start (.com analog)
BINSGI Powerflip
BINText mode memory dumpThe Draw - TUD - ACiDDraw - etc.
BIOBioniX Wallpaper playlist fileBioniX Wallpaper Changer
BITBitmap X11
BITEncrypted fileFinalCrypt
BK!Document backupWordPerfect for Win
BK?Backup file
BKCBackup catalogBackup4all
BKFBackup archiveWindows NTBackup Utility
BKnTimed backup file for document window nWordPerfect for Win
BKPBackup fileWrite - TurboVidion DialogDesigner
BKWMirror image of font setFontEdit
BLDBLoaDable pictureBASIC
BLDSYSGEN Build procedure fileRT-11
BLENDBlender3D Project FileBlender
BLKTemporary fileWordPerfect for Win
BLOBUnknownSteam (software) for Win
BLPBlizzard Game PictureBlizzard Entertainment games (various)
BMBitMap graphics file
BM3UIQ3 Phone backup
BMDNintendo proprietary 3D model fileVarious Nintendo games
BMKBookmark of old Windows Help fileWindows 3.0 - XP
BMPOS/2 or Win graphics format (BitMap Picture)QPeg - CorelDraw - PC Paintbrush - many
BMPWbitmap world-file - geo-references info
BMSNintendo proprietary MIDI tracker formatVarious Nintendo games
BMTAmi Pro ButtonAmi Pro
BNADataAtlas Boundary
BNKAdlib instrument bank file
BNRGraphics BannerBanner - Poster
BOBFile archive for Lego Island 2Lego Island 2
BODStores paths to game files in a BOB archiveLego Island 2
BOKShamela Library bookShamela Library Program
BOOCompressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc)msbooasm.arc
BOOBoo programming language source fileBoo Programming Language
BOTBot files, these go with JKB filesQuake 3 Engine
BPCChartBusiness Plan Toolkit
BPOLYDataPrisms binary 3D object
BPPBackup applicationClarion
BPSUsed for game patchesFLIPS and other patch implementers
BPSWPS backup file[5]Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works
BPSBinary file commonly used in computer malwareCertain antivirus programs and computer malware
BPTBitmap fills fileCorelDRAW
BPWBitser proprietary encrypted password fileBitser password manager
BRDTanzzle board fileTanzzle
BRDCadence Allegro board fileCadence
BRFBrailleBraille embossers and refreshable displays
BRKFaxBrooktrout Fax-Mail
BRKThe Brake! Mailer REXX scriptThe Brake!
BRLCADBallistic Research Laboratory CAD
BSBoot sector fileSYSLINUX
BSCCompressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCIIBINSCII
BSCDatabaseSource Browser
BSCPwbrmake object fileMicrosoft Fortran
BSPGoldSource/Source engine map filesValve Corporation
BSPid Tech map filesid Software
BSSboot sector (DOS) fileSYSLINUX
BSSCasio Phone basePC-LINK
BSTBiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file)TeX
BSYBusy flagFTN soft
BTMBatch-to-memory (quick batch)4dos -ndos
BTNMakeover Button file
BTXbackup of 4DOS batch files (_4INST.BTM)4DOS
BUFRBinary Universal Form for the Representation of Meteorological Data
BUGBugs and Problems
BUNLucasArts Bundle File
BUPBackup file
BUTButton definitionsButtons!
BUYDatafile formatmovie
BVFBIM model file formatBIM Vision
BVnOverflow file below insert point in Doc nWordPerfect for Win
BWBSpreadsheet applicationVisual Baler
BWRBeware (buglist)Kermit
BYKBYK Compressed FileBYK
BZNMap fileStar Trek Armada II Fleet Operations map file


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
C--C-- language sourceSphinx C--
CC language source

Note that on case-sensitive platforms like Unix and with the gcc compiler the uppercase .C extension indicates a C++ source file.

Watcom C/C++, Borland C/C++, gcc and other C compilers
CUnix file archiveCOMPACT
C++C++ language source
C00Print fileVentura Publisher
C01Typhoon wave filesAWAVE
C32COMBOOT Executable (32-bit)SYSLINUX
C86C source code fileComputer Innovation C86
CAInitial cache data for root domain serversTelnet
CA?Borland packed and split fileBorland Installer
CABCabinet archiveWindows 95 and later, many file archivers
CACdBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat)
CADDocumentDrafix Windows CAD
CALCalendar fileWindows 3.x
CALSpreadsheet formatSuperCalc
CALSComputer Aided Acquisition and Logistics
CALSSupport Raster Format
CAMCasio Camera
CANFaxNavigator Fax
CAPCaptionVentura Publisher
CAPCapture fileProComm - Telix
CASC + ASM language sourceTurbo C
CATCatalogCP Backup - dBASE IV
CATDevice driver digital signatureMicrosoft Windows
CATStellarium Star CatalogueStellarium
CATDrawingDrawing file of CATIA V5CATIA V5
CATPartPart file of CATIA V5CATIA V5
CATProductAssembly file of CATIA V5CATIA V5
CATSCombined sourceATS
CBASource codeCreative BASIC
CBCFuzzy logic systemCubiCalc
CBLCOBOL source code file
CBMCompiled bitmap graphicsXLib
CBRComic Book Reader (RAR file)CDisplay and similar
CBSMasterWord button bar configuration file
CBTCOMBOOT Executable (incompatible with DOSCOM files)SYSLINUX
CBTComputer Based Trainingmany
CBZComic Book Reader (ZIP file)CDisplay and similar
CCC++ source code file
CCCC language sourceCC
CCCBitmap graphics (native format)Curtain Call
CCDtext metadata for CD/DVD imagesCloneCD Control File
CCFCommunications configuration fileSymphony
CCFColor Chat fileColor Chat File
CCITTCCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
CCLCommunication Command Language fileIntalk
CCOBTX Graphics fileXBTX
CCTPrint TemplateBobCAD-CAM
CDCD descriptionDN
CDBCard databaseCardScan
CDBMain databaseTCU Turbo C Utilities
CDFCommon Data Format
CDFCompany Data FileNominal Small Business Accounting software
CDFComputable Document FormatMathematica
CDFCyberspace Description Format
CDKDocumentAtari Calamus
CDMDisk Drivers NPA
CDMMusic format (compressed)
CDOMusic notationCc,rrescendo Music Notation Editor
CDRVector graphics format (drawing)CorelDraw!
CDRDisk Image File [6]Apple
CDTCorel Draw Template FileCorelDraw!
CDXCompound index fileVisual FoxPro, Advantage Database Server
CEComputer EyesConversion Artist
CEMain.ceThe FarSide Computer Calendar
CEBCont. Edge BitmapConversion Artist
CEFCA-Clipper Workbench ApplicationCA Clipper
CEFExport File
CEFCompact Embedded FontAdobe Illustrator
CEGBitmap graphicsTempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics
CELAnimation CEL3D Studio
CELGraphicsAutodesk Animator - Lumena
CELCelestia ScriptCelestia
CELXCelestia ScriptCelestia
CERSecurity certificateMicrosoft Windows
CFConfiguration fileimake
CFAAudio fileAdobe Premiere Pro
CFCColdFusion ComponentAdobe ColdFusion
CFGConfiguration file
CFMColdFusion Markup LanguageAdobe ColdFusion
CFNFont dataAtari Calamus
CFOC Form Object internal format object fileTCU Turbo C Utilities
CFPFaxThe Complete Fax Portable
CFTCFast graphics fileDisney Animation Studio
CGACGA display fontVentura Publisher
CGICommon Gateway Interface script
CGMComputer Graphics Metafile vector graphicsA&L - HG - many
CHClipper language headerCA Clipper
CH3ChartHarvard Graphics 3.0
CH4PresentationCharisma 4.0
CHDFont descriptorFontChameleon
CHIChiWriter DocumentChiWriter - Chiview
CHKRecovered dataDOS CHKDSK
CHKTemporary fileWordPerfect for Win
CHLConfiguration History Log
CHMCompiled Help FileMicrosoft Windows, Help Explorer Viewer
CHMLEncrypted Data FileKrasbit Technologies, Chameleon Imaging Workflow Software
CHNDataEthnograph 3
CHOChordPro lead sheet (lyrics and chords)ChordPro and similar tools
CHPChapter fileVentura Publisher
CHRCharacter setTurbo C - Turbo Pascal
CHTChartHarvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter
CHTCHeaT in any program/gamemany
CHTInterface file for ChartMasterdBASE
CIANintendo 3DS importable archiveNintendo 3DS
CIFCaltech Intermediate Format graphics file
CIFChapter informationVentura Publisher
CIFCrystallographic Information FileRasMol, Jmol
CiMC Text Mode Image FileThe Ultimate Draw
CIXDatabase indexTCU Turbo C Utilities
CKBBorland C++ 4.x editor keystroke mappingBCW.EXE
CLOpenCL kernel code
CLCOMMON LISP source code file
CLASSJava class fileJava
CLDClipper debugger configuration fileCA Clipper
CLJClojure source codeClojure
CLPClip art graphics fileQuattro Pro
CLPClipboard fileWindows 3.x
CLPCompiler response fileCA Clipper
CLPGraphics formatPCPAINT/Pictor
CLPIClipAV Clip Information file for Blu-rayMedia hardware / software with Blu-ray structure support
CLPRJClassicLadder project fileClassicLadder
CLRColor binary screen image1st Reader
CLRColor definitionsPhotostyler
CLRColor schemeBoxer/2
CLRPalette file for GIS format
CLSC++ class definition file
CLWMFC Class Wizard informationMicrosoft VC++
CMData fileCraftMan
CMBXtree for Windows Button Bar file
CMDCommanddBASE - Waffle
CMDCommand Prompt batch fileMicrosoft Windows NT based operating systems
CMDexecutable programsCP/M-86 operating system
CMDExternal command menu1st Reader
CMDOS/2 batch/REXX fileOS/2
CMFFM-music file (Creative Music File)
CMKCardCard Shop Plus
CMMCMM script (batch) fileCEnvi
CMODCelestia ModelCelestia
CMPBitmap graphics (Lead CMP compression)
CMPCompressed dataPKWare Inc. data compression library
CMPHeader file for PostScript printer filesCorelDRAW
CMPPhotofinish Calibration MapPhotofinish
CMPUser dictionaryMicrosoft Word for DOS
CMRCoach 7 project fileCoach 7
CMRLConcise message routing languageDOTGO
CMSContent Management SystemAny Web Browser
CMUCarnegie Mellon University Formats
CMVAnimation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0)CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0
CNCCNC general program data
CNDSystem generation conditional fileRT-11
CNFConfiguration (program - printer setup)program - printer setup
CNFConfiguration file
CNTcontents table of old Windows Help fileWindows 3.0 - XP
CNVTemporary fileWordPerfect for Win
CNVWinword DLL used as part of an import operation (CNV=converter)Microsoft Word
COCobalt - parametric drafting and 3D modelingAshlar-Vellum
COBCalgari trueSpace2 File Format
COBCOBOL source code file
CODCode definition tableUUPC
CODDatafileForecast Plus - Microsoft Multiplan - StatPac Gold
CODfile including CODES for any program/gamemany
CODPrinter code definition fileBoxer/2
CODProgram compiled codeFORTRAN
CODTemplate source filedBASE Application Generator
CODVideotext file
COECoefficient fileXilinx ISE
COFAnimation Control FileDiablo II
COFFEECoffeeScript source code file
COLColor paletteAutodesk Animator - many
COLSpreadsheetMicrosoft Multiplan
COLDIMACS graph data stores a single undirected graph (text and binary variants)
COMCommand (memory image of executable program)DOS
COMIndirect command file (sequence of commands to be executed)RT-11
CONConfiguration fileSimdir
CONMSTS Consist fileMSTS
CONTACTContact fileWindows
CPCCompressed imageCartesian Perceptual Compression
CPDScriptComplaints Desk
CPFFaxThe Complete Fax
CPIColorLab Processed Image bitmapped graphics file
CPIMS-DOS codepage fileMODE.EXE
CPIVideo clip information fileThe AVCHD format
CPLControl panel fileWindows 3.x
CPLcopley fileCOPLEY.EXE (Copley Scientific Ltd)
CPMZConPro/Miradi ZipfileMiradi and ConPro
CPPC++ language sourceWatcom C/C++
CPPPresentationCA-Cricket Presents
CPRKnowledge AccessGCGW
CPRCubase Project FileSteinberg Cubase
CPSbackup of startup files by QEMM (?) autoexec.cps
CPTEncrypted memo filedBASE
CPTMac file archiveCOMPACT PRO
CPTTemplateCA-Cricket Presents
CPZMusic text fileCOMPOZ
CR2Raw image format
CRAAdvanced crack file (usually text)
CRDCardfileWindows 3.x - YourWay
CRDMapHolux - Alan
CRDMolecular coordinatesCHARMM, RasMol
CRDOWNLOADGoogle Chrome download in progressGoogle Chrome
CRFCross-referenceMicrosoft MASM - Zortech C++, RT-11 CREF
CRKCrack file (usually text)
CRPEncrypted databasedBASE IV
CRSFile Conversion ResourceWordPerfect 5.1
CRTSecurity certificateMicrosoft Windows
CRTTerminal settings informationOracle
CRUCompressed file archive created by CRUSH
CRWCrossWords document file
CRXGoogle Chrome ExtensionGoogle Chrome
CSC# source fileC#
CSDCompact Shared DocumentDream To Reality
CSGBatch file (Submit)ISIS/w
CSHTMLRazor page/view
CSMBorland C++ 4.x precompiled header fileBCW.EXE
CSOACDSee edit toolACDSee
CSPPC Emcee Screen Image fileComputer Support Corporation
CSSDatafileCSS - Stats+
CSScascading style sheet
CSVAdjusted EGA/VGA paletteCompuShow
CSVComma Separated Values text file format (ASCII)
CTCControl filePC Installer
CTFCharacter code translation fileSymphony
CTKCommonTime Key fileCommonTime software applications
CTLControl filedBASE IV - Aldus Setup
CTLBATCH control file (generated by BATCH from .BAT file)RT-11
CTTBATCH Temporary fileRT-11
CTXCiphertext filePretty Good PrivacyRSA System
CTXCourse TeXt filesome Microsoft online guides
CTXdocumentCreativyst Table eXchange
CUECue sheet
CUFC Utilities Form definitionTCU Turbo C Utilities
CURWindows resource (cursor image file)Resource Workshop - WRT - Watcom Resource Editor
CUTGraphics format (bitmapped graphics)dr. Halo
CV4Color fileCodeView
CVPCover pageWinFax
CVTBackup file for CONVERTed database filedBASE IV
CVWColor fileCodeView
CWCircuit Wizard DocumentCircuit Wizard
CWKDatafileClarisWorks, Appleworks
CXXC++ source code fileZortech C++
CYSCytoscape session fileCytoscape


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
DD Programming Language source fileDMD
DDirectory containing configuration files (informal standard)Unix
D3VVideo fileNintendo DS (with ARME, MMCF etc.)
D4DDataDraw 4D object
D4PDataDraw 4D Pro object
D64Commodore 64 disk image
D88Toshiba Pasopeia D88 disk image formatA series of emulators of Japanese computers
DAADirect Access Archive
DAFData fileDigital Anchor
DATMaxum chromatograph chromatogramSiemens Maxum Chromatograph
DATLDraw (Sub)Part File, 3D ModelLDraw
DATDocumentMicrosoft Word Format (old)
DATdataRSNetWorx Project
DATData file in special format or ASCII
DATDatabase fileClarion (programming language)
DATNorton Utilities disc image data. It saves Boot sector, part of FAT and root directory in image.DAT on same drive.Norton Utilities
DATOptical disc image (can be ISO9660, but not restricted to)cdrdao, burnatonce
DATVideo CDMPEG stream
DATWindows registry hive (REG.DAT Windows 3.11; USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT Windows 95, 98, and ME; NTUSER.DAT Windows NT/2000/XP/7)Microsoft Windows
DATMinecraft game dataMinecraft
DATSDynamic sourceATS
DAVProprietary DVR formatRecorded encrypted video from digital video recorders DVR365 or AlienDVR series[7]
DB$Temperature debug infoClarion Modula-2
DB$Temporary filedBASE
DBDatabase fileParadox - XTreeGold - dbvista - Oracle - XoftSpySE - Windows thumbnail cache[8][9]
DBConfigurationdBASE IV - dBFast
DBMulti Edit configME
DB2DatabasedBASE II
DB3DatabasedBASE III
DBADatabase fileTurbo Prolog - DataEase
DBADarkBasic source code
DBCDataBaseContainerVisual FoxPro
DBDBusiness dataBusiness Insight
DBDDebug infoClarion Modula-2
DBFDatabase filedBASE III/IV - Visual FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss - DBVista - CA-Clipper - Visual Objects - Alaska Xbase++ -

Advantage Database Server

DBFXDevBox Database FilePudince Devbox
DBGDebugger scriptDOS debug - Watcom debugger
DBGSymbolic debugging informationMicrosoft C/C++
DBKDatabase backupdBASE IV
DBLDIBOL source file
DBLDesign Block fileEAGLE
DBMMenu templateDataBoss
DBOCompiled programdBASE IV
DBProDarkBasicPro Project
DBSData file used by Managing Your Money
DBSDatabase in SQL Windows format
DBSPrinter description fileMicrosoft Word, Microsoft Works
DBTFoxBASE+ style memoFoxPro 2.x
DBTMemo file for database w/same namedBASE IV - dBFast
DBWWindows fileDataBoss
DBXAutoCAD DatabaseAutoCAD
DBXArchive FileOutlook Express
DCCAD drawing fileDesignCAD 3000 for Windows
DC6Image fileDiablo II
DCADocument Content Architecture text fileIBM DisplayWrite
DCCAnimationDiablo II
DCDCAD Drawing FileDesignCAD 3DMax for Windows
DCFfloppy disk imageDisk Copy Fast
DCHSchematic Drawing fileDipTrace Schematic Capture
DCIDreamcast Save FileDreamcast
DCLDelphi Control LibraryBorland Delphi
DCMDCM music moduleAWAVE
DCPOS/2 device code pageOS/2
DCSBitmap graphics (CYMK format)QuarkXPress
DCSDatafileACT! Activity Files
DCTDictionary: used by many programs with program dependent formatClarion
DCTSpell checking dictionaryHarvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony
DCTDataBaseContainer ExtensionVisual FoxPro
DCUDelphi unit (compiled)Borland Delphi
DCWWalter Machine ProgramingWalter Profile Editor
DCXMulti-page PCX graphics (common fax format)Intel - SpectraFAX
DCXDataBaseContainer IndexVisual FoxPro
DDMacintosh file archiveDISKDOUBLER
DDADataGLBasic ASCII 3D object
DDBBitmap graphics
DDBDigidesign Database File
DDDBuilding DiagramDiagramming software
DDIDisk imageDiskDupe
DDPDevice Driver Profile fileOS/2
DDSDirectDraw Surface fileMicrosoft Flight Simulator, other Microsoft programs
DEBUnix archive file (software package format)Unix
DEBDEBUG scriptDOS Debug
DEFAssembly header fileGeoworks
DEFDefaults - definitions
DEFLinker definition fileTLink - WLink..
DEMDigital Elevation Model
DEMGraphics fileVistaPro
DEMVista DEM fileMeta.exe VP3
DERSecurity certificateMicrosoft Windows
DESAscii text parameter descriptionAWAVE
DESKLINKWindows Explorer Desktop Control (commonly 'Desktop (create shortcut).DESKLINK', 0 bytes). Uses a 'special' hidden file extension (NeverShowExt flag inside the Registry), overriding the Windows Explorer option of showing/hiding file extensions.
DEVDevice driver
DEVSYSGEN handler build procedureRT-11
DEVDev-C++ project fileDev-C++
DEXDalvik executableAndroid
DFDData Flow Diagram graphic fileProsa
DFFRenderWare model data (e.g. Grand Theft Auto III and later)
DFIOutline font descriptionDigifont
DFLDefault program settingsSignature
DFMData Flow Diagram model fileProsa
DFMDelphi form moduleBorland Delphi
DFSDelight Sound File
DFTIDynamic Formatted Text and Images (Word Processing)FlexiWrite
DFVPrinting form (Word)Microsoft Word
DFXMicrografx Effects DLL
DGNGraphics fileMicroStation
DHDependency information for .phGeoworks
DHPDr. Halo PIC Format graphics fileDr. Halo II - III
DID Programming Language interface fileDMD
DIADiagraph graphics fileComputer Support Corporation
DIBDevice Independent Bitmaprarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap; Win - OS/2
DICDictionary (e.g. from WinWord)
DICOMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) bitmapDICOM Software (XnView)
DIFBorland patch data fileBorland patch
DIFData Interchange FormatVisicalc
DIFOS/2 V2.2 Display Information FileOS/2
DIFOutput from Diff command - script for Patch command
DIFSRCCOM, BINCOM output fileRT-11
DIGSound Designer 1 audio fileAWAVE
DIPWatcom debug info processorWatcomDebugger
DIPPCB Drawing fileDipTrace PCB Layout
DIRDialing directory fileProcomm Plus
DIRDirectory fileVAX - CPS Backup
DIRMovieMacroMind Director 4.x
DIRDirectory listing fileRT-11
DIREDDirectory listing (ls format)Dired
DISDistribution fileVAX Mail
DIZDescription file (Description In Zip)
DJVUDJVU Document Format, a format similar to PDF but with higher compression rates at the same quality.DJVU
DKBRaytraced graphicsDKBTrace
DLAnimation format (Italian origin)Display - DL Viewer
DLCJDownloader Link ContainerJDownloader
DLDLotus 1-2-3
DLFDialogue Live FormatProduced by Exstream Dialogue and edited by Dialogue Live Editor
DLGDialog resource script fileMicrosoft Windows SDK
DLGDialog resourcesDN
DLGWindows SDK dialog editor data file
DLGWindows SDK dialog editor data file
DLLDynamic-link libraryWindows 3.x - OS/2
DLLExport/import filterCorelDRAW
DLMMicrosoft File Transfer ManagerMicrosoft File Transfer Manager
DLSSetupNorton Disklock
DMFMusic format (Delusion Digital Music File)Delusion
DMFDeleD files
DMGApple Disk ImageMac OS X (Disk Utility),
DMPDump file (e.g. screen or memory)
DMPDUMP utility output fileRT-11
DMSAmiga file archiveDISKMASHER
DN3D fileAdobe Dimension
DNGDigital Negative (DNG), a publicly available archival format for the raw files generated by digital camerasAt least 30 camera models from at least 10 manufacturers, and at least 200 software products
DNTdataRSNetWorx Project
DOJavaservlet fileWeb browser (Various)
DOCA Document, or an ASCII text file with text formatting codes in with the text; used by many word processorsMicrosoft Word and others
DOCMMicrosoft Word 2007 Master documentMicrosoft Word 2007
DOCXOffice Open XML Text documentMicrosoft Word
DOFDelphi project options fileBorland Delphi
DOGScreen fileLaughing Dog Screen Maker
DOHDependency information for .pohGeoworks
DOLNintendo Wii and GameCube proprietary executable formatNintendo Wii and GameCube games and software
DORRoland Digital audio fileRoland
DOSExternal command file1st Reader
DOSNetwork driver (e.g. pkt_dis.dos)
DOSOS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-FileSvga.exe
DOSrenamed system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS,DBLSPACE.BIN, DRVSPACE.BIN, IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS) of previous MS-DOS versionWindows 95, 98, ME (dual-boot feature)
DOSText file containing DOS specific info
DOTLine-type definition fileCorelDRAW
DOTMicrosoft Word document templateMicrosoft Word
DOTXOffice Open XML Text document templateMicrosoft Word
DOXText fileMultiMate 4.0
DOZDescription Out of ZipVENDINFO
DPCalendar fileDaily Planner
DPData fileDataPhile
DPRDefault project- and state-related informationBorland C++ - Delphi - C
DPFBareboard PCB CAD/CAM formatUcamco
DPFDebrief Plot FileDebrief
DPXDigital Moving Picture Exchange
DRPWeb3D FileWeb3D
DRSData Resource FileAge of Empires (video game)
DRSDisplay ResourceWordPerfect for Win
DRUDesign RulesEAGLE
DRWDesigner vector graphics fileDesigner - MicroGraphix
DSTWAIN Data SourceAny twain-source must supply one xxx.ds file
DS1Map fileDiablo II
DS4Vector graphicsMicrografx Designer 4.x
DSCCelestia Deep Space Catalog fileCelestia
DSCDescription file
DSCDiscard fileOracle
DSFData Storage FormatGolden Helix
DSFDelusion Digital Sound FileDelusion
DSKDesktop configurationBP - DN - BC++ - TP
DSKDisk DriversNovell NetWare
DSKLogical disk fileRT-11
DSMDigital Sound ModuleDSI
DSNDesignObject System Designer
DSPDisplay parametersSignature
DSPDynamic Studio Professional ModuleDynamic Studio
DSPGraphics display driverDr. Halo
DSPNorton viewer DLLWin
DSPVisual Studio 6 project fileMicrosoft Visual Studio
DSRDriver ResourceWordPerfect for Win
DSSScreensaver fileDCC
DSSDigital Speech Standard (Sound)Digital Soup
DSSSQL Script for .Time FrameworkExaktime
DSTTajima Embroidery FormatEmbroidermodder
DSTWAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLLWin
DSVNintendo DS battery saveDeSmuME, DraStic
DSWBorland C++ 4.x desktop layout fileBCW.EXE
DT1Tile fileDiablo II
DT_Data fork of a Macintosh fileMac-ette
DTAData fileTurbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata
DTBDatabase Backup for .Time FrameworkExaktime
DTDDocument Type Definition
DTFDatabase filePFS - Q&A
DTLDjango template languagedjangoproject
DTMDigiTrekker music moduleAWAVE
DTOdataDirectory Toolkit output
DTPDesk Top Publishing DocumentTimeworks / greenstreet Publisher3/ Greenstreet Publisher 4.5
DTPPage Magic 2.0 publicationPage Magic 2.0 upgrades to Greenstreet Publisher
DTPPublicationPublish-It! upgrades to Greenstreet Publisher
DTSTorque Game Engine model format
DTSDevice tree source fileLinux kernel project
DTSIDevice tree include fileLinux kernel project
DVCDataLotus 1-2-3
DVDPROJiDVD project fileiDVD (Apple iLife '08)
DVIDeVice Independent documentTeX
DVPDESQView run-fileDESQView
DVPDevice parameter fileAutoCAD
DW2DrawingDesignCAD for DOS, & DesignCAD for Windows
DWBCoryphaeus Software Designers WorkbenchCSD
DWDDiamondWare Digitized fileAWAVE
DWFAutodesk Design Web FormatDesign Review
DWGDrawingAutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PowerCAD, Drafix, DraftSight etc.
DWZDVD MovieFactory for TOSHIBA Project File, Designer vector graphics fileDesigner - MicroGraphix or TOSHIBA
DXText fileDEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus
DXFDialogue Exchange FormatExstream Dialogue
DXFDrawing Interchange File Format vector graphicsAutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PowerCAD, etc.
DXNFaxFujitsu dexNET
DXPSpotFire data
DXPISO creation project fileCD Burner XP Pro
DYLIBDynamic LibraryMac OS-X
DYNDataLotus 1-2-3


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
EE language source codeE
E##EnCase Evidence File chunkEnCase Forensic Analysis Suite entity
E00ArcInfo interchange fileGIS software
E2D2-dimensional vector graphics fileEditor included in JFire
EASExtended file attributesOS/2
EAREnterprise archivearchive
EBASource codeEmergence BASIC
EBDversions of DOS system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS, WINBOOT.SYS, etc. ) for an emergency boot diskWindows 98, ME
EBJError-checking object fileGeoworks
EBQCITE standard electronic BQ exchange file
ECError checking preprosessed Goc source codeGeoworks
ECSource codeeC
ECCError-checking filedvdisaster
ECEEscenic Contenting Engine dynamic pageEscenic
ECMSStatus documentECMerge
ECMTTemplate document / SessionECMerge
EDAEnsoniq ASR disk imageAWAVE
EDEEnsoniq EPS disk imageAWAVE
EDFEuropean data formatMedical timeseries storage files
EDFExchequer Document FormatIRIS Software
EDKEnsoniq KT disk imageAWAVE
EDQEnsoniq sq1,2/ks32 disk imageAWAVE
EDSEnsoniq SQ80 disk imageAWAVE
EDTDefault settingsVAX Edt editor
EDTEnsoniq TS disk imageAWAVE
EDTExternal editors definitionsDN
EDVEnsoniq VFX-SD disk imageAWAVE
EEBButton bar for Equation EditorWordPerfect for Win
EFAEnsoniq ASR fileAWAVE
EFAEncrypted File Archive
EFEEnsoniq EPS fileAWAVE
EFEEnsoniq EPS instrument fileAWAVE
EFKEnsoniq KT fileAWAVE
EFQEnsoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 fileAWAVE
EFSEnsoniq SQ80 fileAWAVE
EFTEnsoniq TS fileAWAVE
EFTHigh resolution screen fontChiWriter
EFXFaxEverex EFax
EGAEGA display fontVentura Publisher
EISEIS Spectrum Analyser ProjectEIS Spectrum Analyser
EKAInternal data filesBorland's Eureka
ELEmacs Lisp source code fileEmacs
ELBSynergy/DE library
ELCByte-compiled Emacs Lisp codeEmacs
ELTEvent list text fileProsa
EMAILOutlook Express Email MessageWindows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Microsoft Notepad
EMAKERE language source code (maker)E
EMCStriata Reader Encrypted Document Format
EMFMicrosoft Enhanced Metafile
EMLStationery TemplateOutlook Express
EMUTerminal emulation dataBITCOM
EMZMicrosoft Enhanced Metafile compressed with ZIPMicrosoft Office suite
ENCEncoded file - UUENCODEd fileLotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe
ENDArrow-head definition fileCorelDRAW
ENFFExtended Neutral File Format
ENGDictionary engineSprint
ENGEnglish documentation
ENGGraphics file (charting)EnerGraphics
ENVEnvelope or Environments
ENVEnveloper macroWOPR
ENVEnvironment fileWordPerfect for Win
EOSSAElectro-Optic Space Situational Awareness file format
EOTEmbedded OpenType
EPGUI wireframe/prototype projectPrikhi Pencil, Evolus Pencil
EPAAward BIOS splash screenAwardBIOS, XnView
EPDPublicationExpress Publisher
EPIDocumentExpress Publisher
EPIEncapsulated PostScript graphic file
EPSEncapsulated PostScript (Graphics format)CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher
EPUBElectronic Publication - (e-Reader format)Okular (Linux) - Apple iBooks - Sony Reader - Adobe Digital Editions - Calibre (LMW)
EQNEquation filEWordPerfect for Win
ERDEntity Relationship Diagram graphic fileProsa
ERLErlang source code file
ERMEntity Relationship Diagram model fileProsa
ERRCompiler/linker error report
ESCPCBData file of 'esCAD pcb', PCB Pattern Layout Design SoftwareesCAD pcb provided by Electro-System
ESCSCHData file of 'esCAD sch', Drawing Schematics Diagram SoftwareesCAD sch provided by Electro-System
ESDWindows Imaging FormatImageX, DISM, 7-Zip, wimlib
ESHExtended Shell batch file
ETHDocumentEthnograph 3
ETFEncrypted Text File. Used in some security programs.
ETLevent trace log fileMicrosoft[10][11]
ETWProprietary format from EnterTech for the MagicSing/Mic Karaoke product line.Enter-Tech
ETXStructure-enhanced text for some ascii text browsers
EUIEnsoniq EPS family CD imageAWAVE
EVTEvents descriptions
EVTWindows Event log fileMicrosoft Windows NT 4.0 - XP; Microsoft Event Viewer
EVTXWindows Event log file XML structuredMicrosoft Windows Vista, 7, 8; Microsoft Event Viewer
EVYDocumentWordPerfect Envoy
EWDDocumentExpress Publisher for Windows
EXElixir source code fileElixir programming language running on BEAM (Erlang virtual machine)[12]
EX3Device driveRHarvard Graphics 3.0
EXBAudio FileE-MU Systems Emulator X Sampler File
EXCExclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM)QEMM
EXCREXX source code fileVM/CMS
EXEDirectly executable programDOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian or OS/2
EXFExactal Exchange FileCostX
EXFExcute fileOnHand PC
EXMMSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator)HP calculator
EXOYouTube executable fileYouTube
EXPDrawing File formatDrawing Express
EXPMelco Embroidery FormatEmbroidermodder
EXPProtected mode EXE by PharLap SoftwarePharLap
EXPExports Library FileVisualStudio
EXSAudio FileApple Logic Pro EXS instrument
EXSElixir script fileInteractive Elixir (IEx) shell[13]
EXTExtensions descriptions file
EXXIntermediate file by MsgPutIBM LinkWay
EZWeasyOFFER document file[14]easyOFFER by Reagency Systems Corp.
EZFFaxCalculus EZ-Fax

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Save and reuse database design elements'. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
  2. ^Article in by atSofts
  3. ^'WebSphere Message broker Help'. Retrieved 2012-06-19.
  4. ^'The Erlang Runtime System'. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  5. ^'BPS File Extension - What is a .bps file and how do I open it?'. Retrieved 2018-10-12.
  6. ^
  7. ^'DVR-1600HP video format'.
  8. ^ - db
  9. ^ - db file extension
  10. ^'Windows Event Trace Log Sink'. Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft. 2005-06-20. Retrieved 2017-02-08. The Event Trace Sink provided with the Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) produces event trace log (.etl) files [..].
  11. ^Compare: Rea, Sara Morgan (2005). Building Intelligent .NET Applications: Agents, Data Mining, Rule-based Systems, and Speech Processing. Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series. Addison Wesley. p. 41. ISBN9780321246264. Retrieved 2017-02-08. Each call is logged to the Windows Event Trace Log and stored in a log file with an .etl (event log tracing) extension.
  12. ^'Modules and functions'. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  13. ^'Erlang/Elixir Syntax: A Crash Course'. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  14. ^

External links[edit]

Retrieved from '–E)&oldid=916003759'
Norton Utilities
Symantec Norton Utilities running on Windows Vista
Stable release
Operating systemWindows, Classic Mac OS, Mac OS X, Unix
TypeUtility software

Norton Utilities is a utility software suite designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain a computer. The current version of Norton Utilities is Norton Utilities 16 for Windows XP/Vista/7/8 was released 26 October 2012.

Peter Norton published the first version for DOS, The Norton Utilities, Release 1, in 1982. Release 2 came out about a year later, subsequent to the first hard drives for the IBM PC line. Peter Norton's company was sold to Symantec in 1990. However his name remains as a 'brand' for Symantec's range of utility and security software for home users. Peter Norton himself has no connection to the brand or company.

  • 1Norton Utilities for DOS and Windows 3.1
  • 2Norton Utilities for Windows 95 and later
    • 2.4Version 3.0 for Windows 95
    • 2.5Version 4.0
    • 2.13Version 14.0
  • 3Norton Utilities for Macintosh
  • 5Norton Utilities for Unix
  • 7Controversies

Norton Utilities for DOS and Windows 3.1[edit]

Version 1.0[edit]

The initial 1982 release supported DOS 1.x and featured the UNERASE utility. This allowed files to be undeleted by restoring the first letter of the directory entry (a workaround of the FAT file system used in DOS). The UNERASE utility was what launched NU on its path to success. Quoting Peter Norton, 'Why did The Norton Utilities become such popular software? Well, industry wisdom has it that software becomes standard either by providing superior capabilities or by solving problems that were previously unsolvable. In 1982, when I sat down at my PC to write Unerase, I was solving a common problem to which there was no readily available solution.'[1]

14 programs were included, on three floppy disks, list price $80:[2][3]

  • UnErase, recovers erased files
  • FileFix, repairs damaged files
  • DiskLook, complete floppy disk displays and maps
  • SecMod, easy changes to floppy disks
  • FileHide, interactive hidden file control
  • BatHide, automatic hidden file control
  • TimeMark, displays date, time, elapsed time
  • ScrAtr, sets DOS to work in any colors
  • Reverse, work in black on white
  • Clear, clears the screen for clarity
  • FileSort, keeps floppy disk files by date or name
  • DiskOpt, speeds floppy disk access
  • Beep, causes the PC speaker to beep
  • Print, prints files

The executable files were compressed with Realia's Spacemaker.[4]

Version 2.0[edit]

The main feature of this DOS 2.x compatible version was FILEFIND, used for searching for files.[citation needed] This 1983 release added hard disk support, and the PRINT program was renamed LPRINT to avoid conflict with the DOS command introduced in MS-DOS 2.0 as PRINT.COM.[5] Following this release Norton became Utilities Editor of PC Magazine.[6]

The executable files were compressed with Realia's Spacemaker.[4][7]

Version 3.0[edit]

This version, copyrighted 1984 but dated 21 January 1985, included Beep, Directory Sort, Disk Test, File Attributes, File Find, File Size, Line Print, List Directories, Screen Attributes, System Information, Text Search, Time Mark, Volume Label, Wipe Disk and Wipe File.

Version 3.1[edit]

This 1986 version added the Quick UnErase (QU) and Unremove Directory (UD) programs.

Version 4.0[edit]

Norton Utilities 4.0 for DOS

Release 4.0 (1987, list $99.95) added four new programs:[8]

  • Ask, used for batch file programming
  • File Info, add descriptions up to 65 characters long to each file
  • Norton Change Directory, displays a graphic directory tree; change, remove, rename or make directories
  • Norton Integrator, a menu system to tie the utilities together. Previously the utilities were accessed by typing the command name (usually a cryptic 2 character name such as FF) at the DOS prompt.

Version 4.0 Advanced Edition[edit]

This version (list $150), released simultaneously with 4.0 standard edition, was dated 15 May 1987. It added Speed Disk, a disk defragmenter, and Format Recover.

Version 4.5 Advanced Edition[edit]

Norton Integrator from Norton Utilities 4.5 for DOS

Norton Disk Doctor was the major addition in this 1988 release.[9]It also includes Wipedisk; Wipefile, a Batch Enhancer and a sector level disk editor; a system information diagnostic utility and a disk caching program (NCACHE), which was between 10 - 50% faster than Microsoft's SMARTDrive when properly configured.

Version 5.0[edit]

Winfax Pro Windows 7 Instructions

Release 5.0 added new features, including Disk Editor, a utility to perform low level formatting on hard disks and changes such as password protection on the more “dangerous” utilities. It also included a licensed version of the 4DOS replacement for COMMAND.COM called NDOS. This version also allowed the choice of “classic” names (such as FF.EXE) or longer names (such as FINDFAST.EXE); these were configurable in the updated version of the Norton Integrator menu system.

Version 6.0[edit]

Norton Utilities 6.0 for DOS

Norton Utilities 6.0 supports DOS 5 and Windows 3.1. It includes Windows Program Manager support, but the tools are still DOS-based, so a set of icons were supplied.

It includes Norton Disk Doctor, Disk Editor, Disk Tools, Speed Disk, Norton Cache, Disk Monitor, Diskreet, NDisk, System Information, NDOS.[10]

The speed of Speed Disk was improved over the previous release.

Diskreet supports Data Encryption Standard.

System Information now includes more detailed information on installed system.

UnErase takes advantage of DOS 5.0's Delete Tracking and Mirror File features to recover data.[11] However, MS-DOS 5.0 added a new UNDELETE.exe program, licensed from Norton competitor Central Point Software,[12] which took advantage of the same Delete Sentry control and Deletion-tracking files. (The ERASE command is an alias for the DEL (Delete) command in the DOS command line.) Windows 95's Recycle Bin soon further reduced the need for UnErase.

Version 7.0[edit]

Release 7.0 supports MS-DOS 6.0, DoubleSpace, Stacker and SuperStor disk compression tools.

Tools includes Norton Disk Doctor, Disk Editor, Undelete, SmartCan, NDOS, System Information, File Find, Norton Change Directory.[13]

Speed Disk remained as well, although SPEEDISK.exe was licensed by Microsoft and incorporated into MS-DOS as DEFRAG.exe in MS-DOS 6.0 onward.[14]

Release 7.0 had revised user interfaces for the utilities that feature a menu-driven user interface. Also some of these tools now did not need to run in full-screen-mode but just displayed a window in the center of the screen, like the disk formatter or the disk duplicator utility.

Disk Editor now includes Advanced Recovery Mode.

Version 8.0 for DOS/Windows 3.x[edit]

Release 8.0 was nearly the same as 7.0, but added Windows 3.1 utilities.

DOS Utilities include Norton Disk Doctor, System Information, Change Directory, FileFind, Diskreet, DUPDISK, File Fix, NDOS, Batch Enhancer, Norton Integrator, Speed Disk.[15]

Windows utilities include Norton Disk Doctor, Speed Disk, System Watch, File Compare, INI Tracker, INI Tuner, INI editor, INI Advisor

Norton Utilities for Windows 95 and later[edit]

Version 1.0 for Windows 95[edit]

The original Windows 95 version was released in August 1995.

As a native Windows 95 tool, it supports the VFAT file system used by Windows 95.

It includes Norton Image, Norton System Doctor, Norton Protection, Rescue Disk, System Information, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton UnErase, Space Wizard, Speed Disk, System Information.[16] DOS tools include Disk Editor, Disk Doctor, Pre-Installation TuneUp.[17]

CD-ROM version was announced on 15 January 1996.[18] It adds Disk Companion, Memory Companion and Norton Utilities Companion over floppy disk version.

Disk tools included with this release are not compatible with FAT32.

The Windows version of Speed Disk works with much greater speed than Microsoft's supplied defrag program, as it moved groups of clusters, not single clusters as Microsoft's Windows Disk Defragmenter. Changes in the way Windows operates meant that many of the old utilities were either dropped completely or replaced with GUI based versions. However, with the advent of Windows XP onwards, Norton's Speed Disk reverted to single-cluster defragmentation.[citation needed]

Version 2.0 for Windows 95[edit]

Winfax Pro Windows 7 64bit

Version 2.0 was announced on 7 October 1996.[19]Version 2.0 features Norton CrashGuard with Anti-Freeze, Norton System Genie, Norton AntiVirus, LiveUpdate, System Genie, Registry Editor, System Doctor, System Benchmark, Disk Benchmark, Multimedia Benchmark, Speed Disk, Space Wizard.[20]

Disk utilities now support FAT32.[21]

A LiveUpdate fix was released for Norton Utilities 2.0 for Windows 95.[22]

Version 2.0 for Windows NT 4.0[edit]

Originally called Norton Utilities 2.0 for Windows NT during prerelease,[23] it was announced on 27 January 1997.[24]

It includes Norton Disk Doctor, Norton Speed Disk, Norton System Information, Norton System Doctor, Norton Protection/UnErase, Live Update.

Norton Disk Doctor, Speed Disk support FAT16 and NTFS file systems.

It does not include DOS UnErase, so files deleted from FAT partition needs to be handled by Norton Utilities for Windows 95/98.[25]

Version 3.0 for Windows 95[edit]

Officially announced on 10 November 1997,[26] Norton Utilities 3.0 was the first version of to be included in Norton SystemWorks, it includes Norton WinDoctor, Norton Web Services, LiveUpdate Pro, Norton CrashGuard 3.0, Norton Zip Rescue, Norton System Doctor, Norton SpeedStart, Norton Optimization Wizard, Speed Disk.

Via the use of LiveUpdate, a Speed Disk patch is available to take advantage of Windows 98's application launch enhancements.[27]


Symantec announced it had sponsored a bug-a-thon between USC and UCLA during the final development stages of the latest product release of Norton Utilities 3.0. The software began shipping on 21 November 1997.[28]

Version 4.0[edit]

Symantec announced version 4.0 on 16 February 1999.[29]

Although the 'for Windows' name was dropped from the products, it still appears in support sites.[30]

New additions include Windows 98 support, Norton SystemCheck, Registry Doctor Scan, Norton WinDoctor, Connection Doctor, Norton Wipe Info, Norton CrashGuard 4.0, Norton Zip Rescue, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton UnErase, a six-month subscription to Norton Web Services for $6.95.


On 13 May 1999, Symantec offered price reduction and rebates on Norton SystemWorks 2.0 and Norton Utilities 4.0.[31]

Early order includes Net Nanny Internet filter software.[32]

Release 2000 (Version 4.5)[edit]

With this release, Symantec changed the naming scheme to incorporate the year of release. Marketed as Norton Utilities 2000, this was the final version to run solely on the Windows 9x platform.[33]Download pes 2013 windows 7.

It includes Norton Speed Disk, Norton System Check, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton Zip Rescue, free 3-month subscription to Norton Web Services.

Release 2001 (Version 5.0)[edit]

Announced on 29 August 2000,[34] the 2001 edition supports Windows 95, 98, ME, Windows NT and Windows 2000.

It includes Norton Speed Disk, Norton Optimization Wizard, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton WinDoctor, Norton System Doctor, and Norton System Check.

Disk tools now supports USB and FireWire drives.[35]

Release 2002 (Version 6.0)[edit]

In anticipation of major changes to the Norton product lineup, no new features were introduced in this release.

NU 2002 introduced Windows XP compatibility while dropping support for Windows 95.

Utilities include Norton Speed Disk, Norton System Doctor, Norton UnErase, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton WinDoctor, System Information and Wipe Info.

Release 2003[edit]

For the next six years, Norton Utilities will cease to exist as standalone product, instead becoming part of Norton SystemWorks starting 2003. SystemWorks is essentially an expanded version of Norton Utilities with additional features, antivirus protection and disk backup tool.

Release 2004[edit]

It was only included with Norton SystemWorks 2004.

Release 2005[edit]

It was only included with Norton SystemWorks 2005.

It supports Windows 98 or higher.

It includes Norton Protection, Speed Disk, Norton Optimization Wizard, Norton System Doctor, UnErase Wizard, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton WinDoctor, System Information, Wipe Info, Image, Norton File Compare, Norton Registry Editor, Norton Registry Tracker, and Explorer Shell Extension.[36]

Release 2007[edit]

It was only included with Norton SystemWorks 2007.

Version 14.0[edit]

Norton Utilities 14 for Windows

The revival of Norton Utilities as standalone software was announced on 3 February 2009,[37] along with the discontinuation of Norton SystemWorks, which it replaces as Symantec's flagship PC tune-up suite.

This version added 64-bit support on Windows XP and Vista. It includes Registry Defragmenter, Registry Cleaners, Disk Cleaner, Disk Defragmenter, Startup Manager, Service Manager, Restore Center, System Optimizer, Process Viewer, and Performance Test.

The product license was changed to allow the software to be installed on up to three household PCs.

Critical Receptions[edit]

PC Pro rated Norton Utilities 14 with 1 star (out of 6) for “an overpriced collection of optimization tools that falls far short of its promise.[38] IT Reviews called the package “light on features compared to rivals” and it questioned the “usefulness of some of the monitoring utilities.[39]

PC Advisor criticized Norton Utilities 14 for delivering “little that you can't already do with Windows”, although it did acknowledge that it brought two things to the table: “The registry tools, which are useful, and the performance monitor, which is interesting but not always useful.”[40]

Premier edition[edit]

Symantec has released a version of Norton Utilities which is called Norton Utilities Premier Edition. It has all features of Norton Utilities plus Norton Online Backup. It is also compatible with Windows 7. It was released on 14 October 2009.

Version 15.0[edit]

Norton Utilities 15.0 includes features from the discontinued Norton SystemWorks. It includes Norton Speed Disk, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton UnErase, Registry Restore, Registry Defragmenter, Registry Cleaner, Disk Cleaner, Disk Defragmenter, Startup Manager, Service Manager, Restore Center, System Optimizer, Process Viewer, and Performance Test. This version also includes a new GUI.

Version 16.0[edit]

Norton Utilities 16.0 includes features from Norton SystemWorks. It includes Application Uninstaller, Norton Speed Disk, Norton Disk Doctor, Norton UnErase, Registry Restore, Registry Defragmenter, Registry Cleaner, Disk Cleaner, Duplicate File Finder, Disk Defragmenter, Startup Manager, Service Manager, Restore Center, System Optimizer, System Dashboard, Process Viewer, Performance Test and Smart Updates.

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New features include Duplicate File Finder, System Dashboard, Application Uninstaller, Windows 8 Compatibility.[41]

Norton Utilities for Macintosh[edit]

Norton Utilities 3.5 for Macintosh.

Norton Utilities for Macintosh was a separate utility suite for the Mac OS, providing much of the same features as the equivalent Windows version.

Version 1.0[edit]

Originally released in 1990, requiring a Mac Plus with 1 MB of system memory.

The included disk tools support the HFS file system only. Support for the Apple Hard Disk 20 was not explicitly mentioned.

When Apple released System 7, Norton Utilities for the Macintosh needed to be updated in order to run safely. This proved to be a recurring story in the history of the utility; early versions were highly regarded for a while, but proved to be hazardous when used with newer disk structures and operating systems before being updated.

Version 2.0[edit]

Originally released in 1992.

It includes Disk Editor, Norton Backup for Macintosh.[42] It also added features in Symantec Utilities for Macintosh II.[43]

Version 3.x[edit]

3.0 was originally released in August 1994. It supports PowerPC but Speed Disk 3.0 can cause data loss.

  • Version 3.1 was released in September 1994, correcting problems with Speed Disk

Version 3.2[edit]

Released in October 1995, v3.2 added support for volumes larger than 4 GB, up to 2 TB to match System 7.5.2 disk size limit.[44]

This edition was bundled with new Small Business Macintosh 6500/250 and 4400/200.[45]

  • Version 3.2.1 Update from 3.2
  • Version 3.2.3 Update from 3.2.x
  • Version 3.2.4 Update from 3.2.x fix for Mac OS 7.6

Version 3.5[edit]

Announced on 12 May 1997, v3.5 is the first version of Norton Utilities for Macintosh to ship on CD-ROM.[46] This version supports Macs with Motorola 68020-68040 processors and G3 PowerMacs running Mac OS 7.1-8.6.[47]

It includes Norton CrashGuard, Speed Disk, Norton Disk Doctor, Disk Editor, FileSaver, UnErase, Volume Recover, Wipe Info, System Info, Disk Light, FastFind.

Norton CrashGuard replaced Norton Fastback and Floppier.

  • Update 3.5.1 released in July 1997, added Mac OS 8 support.
  • Update 3.5.2 released in November 1997 on bootable CD-ROM, improves support of HFS+ file system.
  • Update 3.5.3 released in January 1998 is the last version to support 68K Macs.

Version 4.0[edit]

Announced on 14 September 1998.[48] For the first time, Norton Utilities can run natively on PowerPC Mac computers. Version 4.0 is compatible with PowerPC Macs (up to G3) running Mac OS 7.5 and above (up to 8.6) and adds Mac OS Extended Format (HFS+) file system support.

Features include Norton Disk Doctor, File Saver, UnErase, and Volume Recover, Norton CrashGuard.

  • Version 4.0.1 released October 1998
  • Version 4.0.2 released December 1998
  • Version 4.0.3 released February 1999
  • Version 4.0.4 released June 1999

Version 5.0[edit]

Announced on 21 July 1999,[49] v5.0 is compatible with PowerPC G3 and G4 Macs running Mac OS 8.0-9.1.

An update was available to make the software compatible with Mac OS 9.[50]

  • Version 5.0.2 released November 1999, was released to correct an issue with FileSaver and issues with the invisible FileSaver data files
  • Version 5.0.3 released June 2000, addresses further early iBook issues and DiskLight

Version 6.0[edit]

Announced on 25 October 2000,[51] v6.0 supports PowerPC Macs running Mac OS 8.1 and above.

Major features include Norton FileSaver and Speed Disk.

  • Version 6.0.2 released June 2001
  • Version 6.0.3 released October 2001
  • Version 6.0.4 latest 6.0 version that supports Mac OS (Mac OS 8.1 through 9.2.2)

Version 7.0[edit]

Version 7.0 runs on Mac OS 8 and OS 9, and added Mac OS X support. Mac OS X tools run on PowerPC G3 Mac (except Beige G3). However, the Mac OS X tools have not been tested on Mac OS X later than 10.2.6, and is known to be incompatible with Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther).[52]

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Features: Norton Disk Doctor, Speed Disk, FileSaver, UnErase, Volume Recover, LiveUpdate.

Speed Disk does not run on Mac OS X, except by booting with Norton Utilities 7.0 CD.

Version 8.0[edit]

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The package of v8.0 was simply labeled 'Norton Utilities 8.0', but it was called Norton Utilities for Macintosh 8.0 in support pages.

All Mac OS X tools now run natively, but the CD can still boot into Mac OS 9.

It includes Wipe Info, Speed Disk, Volume Recover, Norton FileSaver, UnErase, LiveUpdate.

8.0.1 added support of Mac OS X 10.3.[53]

8.0.2 added support of G5 model Macintosh released before December 2004, 1.25 GHz eMac, and various Mac G4 notebooks.[54] However, some tools may present errors when running Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger).[55]

End of life[edit]

In 2004, Symantec confirmed it had stopped developing Norton Utilities for Macintosh and Norton SystemWorks for Macintosh, and concentrate its efforts solely on Internet security products for the Mac.[56]

Symantec Utilities for Macintosh[edit]

Symantec Utilities for Macintosh (SUM) was a set of system utilities from Symantec, developed before Symantec had acquired Peter Norton Computing. SUM started out as a revised version of the MacZap data recovery tools[57][58] and included utilities for data recovery, disk partitioning, disk defragmentation, and floppy disk duplication, among others.[59] Later SUM tools may have shared code with Norton Utilities for Macintosh. Some of the functionality from SUM II was incorporated into Norton Utilities 2.0.[60]

SUM v1.1 was published in 1988 and required a Mac 512Ke or later system. This version also had limited support for MFS-formatted floppy disks.[61]

SUM II was announced for release in August 1989[62][63] and included tools for data backup and data encryption.[59] SUM II v2.0 runs on Macs with System 4.2 or higher and 1 MB of memory. One review mentioned that it was easy to make use of most of SUM II's utilities, but at the same time, the file recovery functionality in SUM II was less automated and required more manual configuration compared to the file recovery functionality in Norton Utilities.[64] In September 1991, version 2.1 of SUM II, which would support System 7, was announced.[65]

Norton Utilities for Unix[edit]

In 1990, Peter Norton Computing developed a Unix version of Norton Utilities, in cooperation with Segue Software and INTERACTIVE Systems Corp.[66] This version of Norton Utilities was available up to 1992, when Interactive Systems stopped marketing the software.[67] In February 1994, AlmondSeed Software, Inc. licensed the software and released it as 'The Almond Utilities for UNIX'.[67] AlmondSeed Software released the Utilities for SCO UNIX[67] and Sun Solaris.[68]

Historical competitors[edit]

  • Central PointPC Tools and MacTools


BYTE in 1989 listed Norton Utilities 4.5 for DOS as among the 'Distinction' winners of the BYTE Awards, stating that it was 'an essential first-aid kit'.[69]

Darian Graham-Smith of PC Pro gave Norton Utilities 14 an overall rating of 2 of 6 stars. He concluded “There's simply no good reason to pay this much for such a flimsy collection of tools.”[70]

PC World reviewed Norton Utilities 15 and concluded that “Norton Utilities may have outlived its usefulness. If your system isn't running as fast as you think it should, uninstalling unnecessary software and pruning background applications using Windows' own tools or downloadable freebies are a more cost-effective first defense.”[71]

A PC Magazine review gave Norton Utilities 15 a score 3 of 5 stars. They argued that Norton Utilities is lagging behind competition, adding that “this PC tune-up utility can give an aged PC a new lease on life, but it lacks some of the features and performance found in competing software.”[72] gave Norton Utilities a rating of 6 out of 10. They concluded, “Norton Utilities did a satisfactory job of de-gunking and increasing the overall performance of our test laptop, but it doesn’t stack up well against rival suite System Mechanic 11'.[73] gave Norton Utilities a 7.7-star rating out of 10 and said, “Norton Utilities has good help and support features and is above average in terms of ease of use.[74]


January 2012 source code hack[edit]

On 17 January 2012, Symantec admitted to their network getting hacked. A hacker known as “Yama Tough” obtained Symantec's source code by hacking an Indian Government server. Yama Tough has released parts of the source code, and has threatened to release more. According to Chris Paden, a Symantec spokesman, the source code that was taken was from enterprise products that were between five and six years old.[75]

September 2012 source code hack[edit]

On 25 September 2012, eight months after the first hack, an affiliate of the hacker group 'Anonymous' published the source code for Norton Utilities. Symantec has responded that this was from the same code leaked in January 2012. They have confirmed that the leak included source code for 2006 versions of Norton Utilities, pcAnywhere and Norton AntiVirus.[76]

2018 Allegations of SpinRite source code theft[edit]

In June 2018 Steve Gibson alleged in his weekly podcast 'Security Now!', that Norton's Disk Doctor was not created by Norton but instead was reverse engineered from his ubiquitous SpinRite software without permission or attribution. This, he says, occurred after he refused to accept Peter Norton's bid to purchase SpinRite from him. He claimed proof in that random numbers he generated for BIOS checking were left unchanged in Disk Doctor presumably because Norton's software engineers didn't know their purpose. Also Norton eventually abandoned Disk Doctor as they didn't really understand how it worked so couldn't actually support it for users.[77]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Norton, Peter (1990). Introduction. Inside the Norton Utilities. By Krumm, R. (Revised and expanded ed.). Robert J. Brady Co. (Prentice Hall). p. xiv. ISBN0-13-468406-0.
  2. ^Norton, Peter (1983). Inside the IBM PC. Robert J. Brady Co. (Prentice-Hall). p. unnumbered page following the index. ISBN0-89303-556-4.
  3. ^'Ad'. InfoWorld: 8. 1982-10-04.
  4. ^ abParsons, Jeff (2019-01-10). 'An Update on Early Norton Utilities'. PCjs. Archived from the original on 2019-01-29. Retrieved 2019-02-22.
  5. ^'Norton Utilities'. PC Magazine (ad). July 1983.
  6. ^'Introducing .. The Norton Chronicles'. PC Magazine. September 1983.
  7. ^Necasek, Michal (2019-01-12). 'Yep, Norton Did It'. OS/2 Museum. Archived from the original on 2019-04-22. Retrieved 2019-04-22.
  8. ^'(unknown)'. InfoWorld: 11. 1987-03-23.
  9. ^'PERSONAL COMPUTERS; A Remarkable Disk Doctor'. New York Times. 1988-11-08.
  10. ^Idol, Charles. 'The Norton Utilities 6.0'. Atari Magazine.
  11. ^InfoWorld, 1991-06-10, p. 117
  12. ^Upon executing the UNDELETE command in MS-DOS 6.22, the message: 'UNDELETE - A delete protection facility Copyright (C) 1987-1993 Central Point Software, Inc.' is displayed.
  13. ^Karnes, Clifton. 'The Norton Utilities 7.0'. Atari Magazine.
  14. ^Upon executing the DEFRAG command in MS-DOS 6.22, the message: 'Microsoft Defrag for MS-DOS Copyright 1988-1993 Symantec Corporation' is displayed. 'About MS-DOS Defragmenter' also states, 'Technology from the Norton Utilities'
  15. ^Campbell, Tom. 'The Norton Utilities 8.0'. Atari Magazine.
  16. ^Cratty, J. P. (1996-03-01). 'A new version of an old friend [Product Review Norton Utilities for Windows 95]'(PDF). Computer. 29 (3): 106–. doi:10.1109/MC.1996.485901 – via IEEE Xplore.
  17. ^'Norton Utilities for Windows 95'. Archived from the original on 2008-07-30. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  18. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec.
  19. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec.
  20. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec.
  21. ^New and Newer
  22. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec.
  23. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec.
  24. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec.
  25. ^'How to use Norton Utilities on a home network'. Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  26. ^'Symantec Announces Norton Utilities 3.0 for Windows 95' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1997-11-10. Archived from the original on 2009-03-31. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  27. ^'Windows 98 Tips and Tricks By Ed Ellers'. Rainbow PC. Archived from the original on 2009-04-06. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  28. ^'Symantec Hosts Norton Utilities 'Bug-A-Thon' Showdown Between USC and UCLA' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1997-12-02. Archived from the original on 2009-07-03. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  29. ^'New Norton Utilities 4.0 the Most Effective, Intelligent Problem-Solving Tool Yet' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1999-02-16. Archived from the original on 2009-04-15. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  30. ^'Technical support for old versions of Norton Utilities is expired'. Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  31. ^'Symantec Makes Safe Migration to MS Office 2000 Affordable through Special Promotion on Norton SystemWorks, Norton Utilities' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1999-05-13. Archived from the original on 2009-06-27. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  32. ^'Free Net Nanny Filtering Software Offered with Norton Utilities 4.0 During Six Week On-line Retail Promotion' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1999-05-26. Archived from the original on 2009-06-27. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  33. ^'Norton Utilities 2000 Makes Computer Maintenance and Repair Easy and Fast' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1999-08-23. Archived from the original on 2009-03-24. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  34. ^'Norton AntiVirus 2001, Norton Utilities 2001, Norton CleanSweep 2001 Ensure High Performance Across All Windows Based Systems' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 2000-08-29. Archived from the original on 2008-05-15. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  35. ^'Norton Utilities compatibility with various drive technologies'. Symantec Corporation. 2001-03-15. Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  36. ^'SystemWorks 2005 Premier: PC health care'. ePinions.
  37. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec Corporation. 2009-02-03.
  38. ^'Norton Utilities 14 review'. PC Pro.
  39. ^ 2009-08-19 at the Wayback Machine IT Reviews
  40. ^ PC Advisor
  41. ^'Norton Utilities 16.0 Unleashed'. Malware Tips.
  42. ^'Tom Chappell'. Industry Figure.
  43. ^'Apps - Access My Library'. Gale.
  44. ^Duncan, Geoff (1995-10-30). 'Norton Utilities 3.2'. TidBITS.
  45. ^'Apple to Bundle Norton Utilities for Macintosh with New Small Business Mac' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1997-03-31.
  46. ^Tsai, Michael (November 1997). 'Review: Norton Utilities 3.5'. ATPM 3.11.
  47. ^'Newsroom'. Symantec. 1997-05-12.
  48. ^'Norton Utilities for Macintosh Now PowerPC Native, HFS+ Compatible' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1998-09-14. Archived from the original on 2008-09-06. Retrieved 2008-08-03.
  49. ^'New Norton Utilities for Macintosh v5.0 Keeps Macs Running at Peak Performance Levels' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1999-07-21. Archived from the original on 2009-06-27. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  50. ^'Norton Utilities for Macintosh 5.0, Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh 6.0 Compatible with Mac OS 9' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 1999-11-01. Archived from the original on 2009-05-27. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  51. ^'Symantec Announces New Versions Of Norton Utilities And Norton AntiVirus For Macintosh' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 2000-10-25. Archived from the original on 2008-05-15. Retrieved 2009-03-25.
  52. ^'The document that you are looking for is unavailable' (Press release). Cupertino, CA, USA: Symantec Corporation. 2008-12-31.
  53. ^'What's new in Norton Utilities for Macintosh 8.0.x after running LiveUpdate'. Archived from the original on 2009-04-20. Retrieved 2018-12-01.
  54. ^'Cannot boot from the Norton Utilities for Macintosh 8.0 or Norton SystemWorks for Macintosh 3.0 CD on a new Macintosh'. Archived from the original on 2008-10-27. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  55. ^'Symantec product compatibility with Mac OS X 10.4 (code-named Tiger)'. Archived from the original on 2009-03-17. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
  56. ^'TMO Scoop: Symantec Confirms Norton Utilities & SystemWorks' Demise [Updated]'. The Mac Observer.
  57. ^Pecora, Louis C. (October 1988). 'THE SOFTWARE MAC PEOPLE PREFER'(PDF). Washington Apple Pi Journal. Washington Apple Pi, Ltd. 10: 70. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
  58. ^'Disk repair utilities: a special report'. CNET. 2009-09-02. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
  59. ^ ab'The Top 100'. InfoWorld. Vol. 12 no. 5. IDG. 1990-01-29. p. 81.
  60. ^Anbinder, Mark H. (1992-04-27). 'SUM II NUM 2.0'. TidBITS. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
  61. ^Beesley, Phil (2008-06-23). 'Notes on the Hard Disk 20 (HD20)'. Archived from the original on 2007-12-11. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
  62. ^Pastore, Richard (1989-08-21). 'Appetizers at Macworld'. ComputerWorld. Vol. XXIII no. 34. IDG. p. 41.
  63. ^Symantic Corporation (1989). Sum II - Symantic utilities for Macintosh - crashed disk and file recovery, backup, optimization, and security. Cupertino, CA, USA. OCLC29611295.
  64. ^Freedom Technology Media Group (September 1991). 'Symantec Utilities for Macintosh - Sum Ii - Software Review'. Home Office Computing. CNET Networks, Inc. Archived from the original on 2007-11-20. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
  65. ^'SOFTWARE: PIPELINE'. InfoWorld. Vol. 13 no. 39. IDG. 1991-09-30. p. 16.
  66. ^'Peter Norton entered Unix computer software market'. The Los Angeles Business Journal. 1990-05-07. Archived from the original on 2008-03-06. Retrieved 2008-03-12.
  67. ^ abc'AlmondSeed Software Announces The Almond Utilities for UNIX' (Press release). AlmondSeed Software, Inc. 1994-02-14. Retrieved 2008-03-12.
  68. ^'AlmondSeed Software Announces Shipment of The Almond Utilities for UNIX for Solaris 2.4' (Press release). AlmondSeed Software, Inc. 1995-04-21. Retrieved 2008-03-12.
  69. ^'The BYTE Awards'. BYTE. January 1989. p. 327.
  70. ^'Norton Utilities review'. PC Pro. 2009-12-18.
  71. ^'Symantec Norton Utilities 15: Disk Utilities Under One Roof'. PC World. 2011-01-04.
  72. ^Wilson, Jeffrey L. (2012-08-28). 'Norton Utilities'. PC Magazine.
  73. ^'Norton Utilities 15 review'. ITProPortal. 2012-08-31.
  74. ^'Norton Utilities Review 2016 - Best Utility Software'. TopTenReviews. 2014-01-13.
  75. ^Keizer, Gregg (2012-01-17). 'Symantec backtracks, admits own network hacked'. Computerworld. Retrieved 2012-02-10.
  76. ^'Claims by Anonymous about Symantec Source Code'. Symantec. Retrieved 2012-09-09.
  77. ^'Security Now! Transcript of Episode #666'. Gibson Research Corporation. Retrieved 2018-07-06.

External links[edit]

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