Windows 10 Anime Mascot
The name of Windows 10 mascot is officially introduced as Tōko (or Touko) Madobe on 31 July 2015. As confirmed on the character's official Facebook page, her name is a homonym for one of the readings for the Japanese word for 'ten': too (とお). Her name was chosen by fans through an online poll. Gator said: Windows said: Yes, Microsoft's mascot is a cute 17-year old anime girl who comes from 100 years in the future, works part-time in the gadget-heavy city in Akihabara and, of course, she loves to play online games. Her voice will be handled by anime voice-over actress Ai Nonaka. Microsoft creates a new mascot to promote Windows 10 in Japan. The unnamed Windows 10 mascot (see left in the image above) is a time traveling, 17 year old schoolgirl from 100 years in the future ( maybe Windows 10 is Microsoft’s last OS after all!) who has come back in time to work in the real-world tech-geek Tokyo suburb, Akihabara. Windows 10 Mascot Officially Introduced as 'Tōko' posted on 2015-08-06 19:45 EDT by Lynzee Loveridge Microsoft 's latest OS is joining the company's already large line-up of macot characters. I was wondering how to get ahold of Touko Madobe the windows 10 anime mascot. I cant find it anywhere online, microsoft website, or in app store. Anyone know how to get ahold of it?
If you saw a recent story on Last Week Night with John Oliver on HBO, you know that Japan loves its mascots. Today, Microsoft's Japanese offices revealed the look of its Windows 10 mascot and will launch a campaign to officially name her in June.

Microsoft has revealed the anime mascot for Windows 10. For those who were following on the official mascots which started with Windows 7 (Nanami Madobe), she's also from the Madobe family though she is from 100 years in the future. She will be voiced by Ai Nonaka (Fuuko Ibuki from Clannad, Meme Touwa from Denpa Onna among other animes she was casted.

Yes, Microsoft's mascot is a cute 17-year old anime girl who comes from 100 years in the future, works part-time in the gadget-heavy city in Akihabara and, of course, she loves to play online games. Her voice will be handled by anime voice-over actress Ai Nonaka.
Windows 10 Anime Mascot Girl
Microsoft will start its public campaign to name the Windows 10 mascot on June 19, and people who enter will be eligible to win some prizes, including five grand prizes that will be autographed by Nonaka. This is nothing new for Microsoft; the company has had similar mascots in Japan for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Internet Explorer.
Top 10 Anime Series
Source: Microsoft; Via: Crunchyroll; Thanks, Christopher, for the tip!
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