Inkscape Open Pdf

Active6 years, 2 months ago

Inkscape Edit Pdf

Inkscape Open Pdf
  1. Inkscape TIMGA Introduction Exercise - Create simple vector based shapes The advantage a program like Inkscape has over raster based programs is it’s very powerful vector tool set. This exercise will give you a sampling of the drawing tools that come with Inkscape. Open Inkscape and create a new document Steps 1. Open Inkscape.
  2. Inkscape natively supports opening or importing SVG, SVGZ (gzipped SVG), PDF, and AI (Adobe Illustrator) formats. With the help of extensions, Inkscape can open a number other vector formats. For importing PostScript or EPS, you need to install Ghostscript and make sure ps2pdf is in your PATH. For formats of Dia, XFig, or Sketch, you need to.

I'd like to extract some pdf images from a paper for presentation purposes. In windows, Adobe Illustrator works just fine, but I now have to perform this task in a Debian box.

Two popular solutions I found online are using

Current PDF support PDF Import. SVN version of Inkscape (to-be 0.46) uses poppler (0.5.4 and above) to import PDF files. Implemented features: The new import extension can import paths, text, clippaths, masked or non-masked images, and softmasks.

Open Pdf File

The pdfimage does not meet my needs since I want vector graphics (pdf) rather than jpgs so I prefer to use Inkscape, but it does not work as expected. I hope I could use some selector tool to drag a box and select everything inside as I normally did with Illustrator, but none of the tools in Inkscape works.

If I use the 'select and transform objects' tool (the black arrow), the whole pdf page is selected while I only want a small portion; if I use the 'edit path by nodes' tool (the black triangle arrow with some nodes) I can only select a single object at a time. Drag and drop (even with the shift key pressed) does not work.

I'm wondering if there's a way to get around this, or is there a better tool in Debian to achieve the same? Thanks.

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closed as off topic by hammar, Toto, rene, Neil, burzumJun 3 '13 at 14:01

Questions on Stack Overflow are expected to relate to programming within the scope defined by the community. Consider editing the question or leaving comments for improvement if you believe the question can be reworded to fit within the scope. Read more about reopening questions here. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

The package provides Intel HD Graphics Driver and is supported on XPS 9350/Precision 5510/XPS 9550 running the following Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit,Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit. This package contains Intel HD, HD 4000 Graphics Driver and is supported on Latitude systems that run Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 64-bit operating systems. This package contains Windows 10 driver to address Intel advisory. Jun 21, 2016  Downloads the Intel® Graphics driver version for Windows 7. (32-bit). This zip file contains the device drivers, release notes, user guide, and software developers manual. Note: This software is intended for hardware and software developers using embedded Intel® platforms. It isn't intended for business or consumer systems. Dell

2 Answers

In my humble opinion, I can suggest the way I use to get vector images from pdf

there is a tool called

pdftocairo, contained into poppler-utils


pdftocairo is able to produce, in output, both raster and vector format, between these last, it is able to convert the content of single pdf page (if you have a multipage pdf doc, you first need to explode this in its single pdf pages, with pdftk for instance), into:

  • -ps : generate PostScript file
  • -eps : generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
  • -svg : generate a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file

the best output format for your needs may be the svg, so after converted the pdf page you can open this svg with any svg app (with inkscape or the good old sodipodi for instance), select the vector elements you want extract and save


if you have a MULTIPAGE PDF

  1. you FIRST split this multipage pdf into its single pages (create afolder for this single pages)

  2. then use pdftocairo to convert any pdf page into svg

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You can split multi-page pdf files using pdftk, then using inkscape to convert pdf to svg file using command line, e.g

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Open Pdf With Inkscape

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