Auto Tag Search Free

  1. Auto Tag Lookup Free
  2. Free Vehicle Tag Owner Search
  3. Free Auto Tag Search

Understand the Legal Issues

The topic of whether it is permissible to search a plate number is complex. To give a few examples:

Florida License Plate Lookup Options. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issues license plates to every vehicle owner in Florida. Vehicle owners in Florida are required to have one license plate, which would be located in the rear of the vehicle. Having a second license plate on the front of the vehicle is recommended. Free License Plate Lookup and Report Bad Drivers. Our license plate search engine is in BETA development, if you notice any issues, please let us know using our Contact form. is a free resource to search by license plate numbers and report bad drivers. If most cases the website will identify the car and its basic information. Nowadays, license plate lookup is a must when you are going to buy a used car. This free online service will help you check all the key data on the car or vehicle of your choice in a matter of minutes (sometimes it can be done even faster).

Vehicle History is not the only license plate check provider. However, most of the other companies out there will charge you money to check out a license plate. Our service is free, yet still delivers a high level of value. We think that makes us the right choice when you want to perform a license plate check.

  • Accessing private information of a person by searching his plate number records is illegal, according to some motor vehicle agencies -- regardless of the circumstances. Such information includes the plate holder's name, address, phone number and Social Security number.
  • According to the Law Dictionary, accessing this information through the state’s motor vehicles agency is permissible. Since this information is public record, the Freedom of Information Act allows you to check the records for anyone you choose.
  • Some states have noted that though a plate holder’s information is private, it can be accessed by certain businesses and agencies such as law enforcement officers, attorneys and insurance companies under compelling circumstances.

Check the Motor Vehicles Agency

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If you have a valid reason to check a plate number, such as after an accident, you can request the information from the state's motor vehicles agency. Accessing this information is free, but depending on the state, you may be charged a fee for the printout and mailing. Follow this simple procedure:

File a request.

Prepare a formal request in writing or appear in person. If your reason is genuine:

  • you will be required to fill out some forms to prove your address.
  • you will need to declare that you understand the legal implications of accessing such private information.

Receive feedback.

If your application is considered, the motor vehicles agency can react as follows:

  • In most cases, the agency will never provide you with the address and contact information of the plate owner.
  • The agency can provide you a sanitized record with clues about the owner -- such as the names of the owner and lien holders.
  • Sometimes the agency can call and inform the plate owners that you’re looking for them.

Take post-feedback actions.

If your request is declined:

  • Ask to be provided with the reason for refusal in writing.
  • Look for other options or means of getting the information you require.

Use Third-Party Websites

If the state’s motor vehicles agency cannot provide you with information about a car owner from its records, you may opt to check with third-party websites. Note that some -- but not many -- of these websites are free.


Some websites say they are free, but will actually charge you a fee and may provide you with outdated information -- or no information at all.

Before you decide to use a third-party website, understand how they operate:

  • They collect information from sources such as vital statistics, courts, gas filling stations and insurance records -- and not necessarily from motor vehicle agency registries.
  • The plate owner will not know you’re searching for him -- provided the reason why you’re looking for this information is not meant for harm or deprive the plate owner.
  • If plate owner discovers that his information is accessible to the public and he does not want that, he can contact the website administrators and opt out.
  • You may have to pay a subscription fee to access the database, which averages about $30 at the time of publication, depending on the report-access option you select. Most service providers say the cost is covers their time, expenses of data collection and server maintenance.


Auto Tag Lookup Free

Before using a third-part website, obtain a Google safe-browsing report. For example, if you're checking a plate owner through the website, type: After you press 'Enter,' a report will open in the same window telling you if the website has been reported as suspicious.

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There are many reasons why you may want to identify the owner of a vehicle by the car tag, or license plate. For example, you may be a crime victim or an employee of a business seeking to verify the accuracy of information submitted by someone. Several websites are available to help you find car tag information. However, according to the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), it is illegal to perform a reverse-license-plate search unless you have a legal reason to do so.

Before you try to use such a website, you should review the privacy act to ensure that your reason is protected. The safest way to obtain car tag information is to contact the department of motor vehicles (DMV) or the state police department in the state that issued the plate.

Step 1

Contact the state police department in the state that issued the car tag. If your reason for obtaining a tag owner's identity involves an accident or crime, file a police report. Police may not release the owner's identity. Instead, the department may offer to help you filing a report.

Step 2

Contact the DMV. If your search isn't related to an accident or crime, contact the DMV in the state that issued the car tag. The DMV will have records on all license plate numbers in that state.

Step 3

Complete a request form. Many states have these forms available online. If not, request a form from the DMV. Read the instructions carefully. Some forms require the signature of a business or government official. This signature is to verify the legal reason why you need the requested information.

Step 4

Pay the appropriate fee. The DMV will charge a fee to perform a reverse-license-plate search. The fees vary. Check with the DMV for a current fee schedule.

Obtain the identity of the owner of the car tag. Information regarding the owner will be released to you if the DMV feels that your request is in compliance with the law. If your request is denied, you can hire a private investigator to help you.


  • Using information that was not obtained legally could result in legal punishment.
  • Michael Smith/Getty Images News/Getty Images

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